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May. 3rd, 2024


To: Mikhi
From: Emil
Date: 3rd May

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To: Astrid
From: Emil
Date: 3rd May

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To: Ame
From: Emil
Date: 3rd May

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To: Haneul
From: Emil
Date: 3rd May

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To: Trystan
From: Emil
Date: 3rd May

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May. 2nd, 2024


Network Post - May 2nd - Late evening

Hello, lovelies! Guess who's back!

Time's up: It's me!!

Oh, I missed this place so much and I'm happy to be back! How has everyone been? Behaving ourselves since I've been gone? Come on, I want stories. Tell me all the juicy gossip!

Ooo! So many new faces too. Hello! I'm Stella. Pleased to meet you. Don't be shy now, come over and tell me about yourselves.

Apr. 28th, 2024


backdated to 04/27


Apr. 25th, 2024


April 25, Midmorning





To: Niall
From: Hiroki
Date: 25th April

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To: Bliss
From: Hiroki
Date: 25th April

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To: Mikhi
From: Hiroki
Date: 25th April

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From: Hiroki
Date: 25th April

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To: Mona
From: Hiroki
Date: 25th April

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Apr. 23rd, 2024


Remember to make some moon water and charge your crystals tomorrow night! What's everyone doing for the PINK FULL MOON?

[ issac ]

✉️ hey
✉️ i have something i want to give you

[ levi ]

✉️ i'm going to the bonfire tonight
✉️ but i wanted to know if you wanted to hang out for a little bit too!


Tuesday, April 23, early morning

The moon drags everyone along with it as it waxes, shifters and not-shifters. Hot tempers, desperate desires, madness, mayhem...

Even the humans are restless.

We should light bonfires tonight, drink and dance and enjoy the oncoming full moon before it breaks like a wave over the island.

Apr. 21st, 2024


So... what did I miss? And more importantly, did anybody miss me?

It's been a while.


Feeling the itch to stretch my wings.

Sometimes this form, as fitting as it is, can become restrictive and the creature that I am demands to be set free for a period of time.

I don't want to draw unnecessary attention, so maybe I can find something else to distract myself with.

Apr. 20th, 2024


Friday, April 19 - early afternoon

Beauregard took a sneaky opportunity to eat an entire loaf of bread's worth of toast. Somehow I feel like Grayson is to blame for this.


posted @ 4:20 pm



Saturday 4/20 - 2:00pm

do any of you ever wonder why the letters in the english alphabet are in the order that they're in? i mean like, the letter 'j' was one of the last letters added and yet it's the 10th letter in the alphabet. why is that?

Apr. 18th, 2024


look at what i found! they're so pretty.
i'm going to wear them all the time!

Apr. 17th, 2024


April 17th - Noon

There was this movie called Fear that came out in
1996 - I was way too young when I
first got to watch it. But I
am watching it again now
and I forgot all about
the rollercoaster.

I feel claustrophobic.
Anyone want to go to
an onsen with me?

... )

Apr. 16th, 2024


In the interest of trying to keep myself out of trouble...

Send me three names + a number and I will tell you:
  1. fuck, marry, kill
  2. marry, cuddle, sleep with
  3. fuck, take a bullet for, murder
  4. adopt, be adopted by, marry
  5. kill, betray, have on your zombie apocalypse team
  6. seduce, steal from, serenade
Want to hit up the Minato Mirai Manyo Club Hot Spring with me?


I've been reliably informed that, and I quote "need to get out more".

So... would anybody like to do something while here in Japan?


Went out with Haneul and tried some amazing food. The whole night was great, plus she shared her fish shaped waffle thing filled with red beans, I think it was called...something yaki? It was really good. For a sweet thing, Phineas you may like one.

Still, with all the amazing food I've had while in Japan, I woke up craving ceviche so I think I'm going to go find a fresh market to find some fish, shrimp, and I think I want to grill some octopus. See if I can make my Abuelita proud.

Oh! Phineas, I'll grab you the waffle thing on my travels today! Hey, Niamh, want sugar coated fruit? I'll get you some sugar coated fruit.

Han, I'll put some ceviche and octopus aside for you! You too Ame!

If anyone else is in the mood for Mexican seafood or likes grilled octopus - there will be enough to share until there isn't.

...is it going to be cool if I build a firepit to grill? I'm going to build a firepit.

Apr. 15th, 2024


This has been the wildest introduction to the supernatural.

Um, hello. My name is Aedan. I am new. I don't know anyone here, really, so if I make a mistake or accidentally do something wrong, please let me know! I'm a quick learner. But, um, I'm resident donut boy! I like baking things. So. Feel free to stop by for some donuts!

Any advice for a newbie around these parts?

Apr. 12th, 2024


Apr. 11th, 2024


Karaoke was hella fun! You guys rocked so hard. It was beautiful! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE PARTY BUS AHHHHHHHHH


Boba tea! I love it! I want to try all the flavors! Right now brown sugar milk tea is winning. Honeydew melon is a close second. 🧋

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