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Apr. 1st, 2024


Monday Morning

anyone any good at fixing jewelry?

i woke up with half of one of these in my mouth

i found the other half and its twin

seems like a waste not to try and put it back together

Mar. 20th, 2024


Network: Yasmine

Hay muchas voces hoy. The closer that we get to this party the louder they seem to get.

Las voces no son tan enojadas, - I do not understand what they are saying but they seem happier. I will take that as a good sign.

Mar. 13th, 2024


Rest easy knowing I'm only showing up to this party because I'm your photographer.


This Witch Dance is all anyone can talk about. There's no way I'm shoving myself into a monkey suit in this heat and surrounding myself with a bunch of unknown spell flingers, security detail be damned.

Mar. 12th, 2024


Nobody likes somebody not playing by the rules.

Am I sorry for putting your ass on the floor before dragging you out of here by your ear? No.

The only thing I'm sorry about is that during all of that?

You tore my favourite shirt.

Mar. 11th, 2024


monday afternoon

okay so now that we have a bitchin witch party to go to, i need a dress, it needs to look amazing, i am determined to be sun-scorchingly hot, i will continue to use italics for emphasis.

who's with me? i'mma scour every shop in this town if i have to so bring your stamina and maybe some water and snacks to keep your energy up.

actually, definitely bring snacks.

Mar. 9th, 2024


after saturday night's show

Good news, darlings, we've all been invited to a party! The incomparable Mother Manjula Chaudhri, the leader of the witches of Telangana, has extended to us the following invitation... )

I do hope you'll all make plans to attend.

Mar. 7th, 2024


I'm going to apologise in advance before I offend or upset anyone today.

I am feeling crabby as fuck so maybe just avoid me.

Or better yet I'll just keep to myself.


Thursday (around 4am)

I am so unfamiliar with the local language of Telugu that the writing looks like wingdings to me but... నా విమానము అంతా మలుగు చేపలతో నిండిపోయింది

What a wonderful city! Kit and I went out to the spice markets on the first night here and the sheer number of smells and sights! I have so many tea ideas.

I had so much fun in the amusement park next door with the little group that went. This slide felt like something that we should have, and I loved the pirate ship ride.

I'm so excited for our first night open tomorrow! The gardens next door close at 9pm, so I feel like we might get even more people than usual who just want to carry on their night.

[OOC: Feel free to say you were part of the afternoon/evening group that went to the NTR gardens, it would have been a casual spur of the moment trip.]

Mar. 4th, 2024


Monday morning

Would anyone like honey or honeycomb? My bees have been prolific over our time in Marrakesh and there's more than even I can eat. Since the moment I told them of Patric's death they have been working so hard for me, my little friends.

I will be interested to see what flavors this new city imparts on their product while we are here.

Mar. 3rd, 2024


Can I acquire an adventuring party to the Deccan Plateau and explore the hills? Paragliding is involved.


so is it gonna be this hot the whole time we're here?

i think i might die.


Sunday, March 3rd; pre-dawn

Well, that's that then.

There's some kind of Buddha statue over there lit up in the middle of the water and it's bloody baking, so I'm guessing we're somewhere in Asia? There's a lot going on in the air, too many scents at once. It's a bit of a headache really, but probably I just need to go to bed.

Do your researching when you find out where we are and decide where you'd like me to take you. No interruptions this time, promise.

Can I ask you something? Fair warning, I'm going to ask anyway but I want to break you in gently first.

Feb. 28th, 2024


If any of you see me in your dreams, no, you didn't.



still don't feel like we're moving soon to me, but i'm more than ready to get the fuck outta dodge here. i think that's most of us though no?

so what's some good stuff that's happened to you lately? big ups to whoever decided cheesecake brownies should be in the dining tent, they were a highlight.

psa: as long as the sun is out this afternoon i'll be in it. watch where you walk.

is the ghadira tank still full btw? no reason just curious

Feb. 26th, 2024



[a post made much later in the night]


I just want everyone safe.


I for one am more than happy with retaliatory action as I do not subscribe to the ’an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind’ however I would caution that cooler heads should prevail at least until Iskander is within our grasp.

This is a man with the ability to persuade people to do exactly what he wants and without sufficient protection, you may well find yourselves incapable of acting on your intent and Patric is likely to have company sooner than any of us would like.

Of course, this is all subject to whether or not anybody has stopped to think before acting after that rather lengthy discussion on Mona’s unintended public post.

Like I said, wouldn’t it be helpful if you had somebody who could protect people from such attacks on the mind?

Funny coincidence that.

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