April 6th, 2024

[info]perfectbliss in [info]the_cirque

April, 6th 💓 9:27AM

I feel so much better about life.
My feelings aren't flooding.
My body doesn't ache.
Hiro is huffy,
but home.

[info]cirquemod in [info]the_cirque

It is 3.16am in Hyderabad.

When the cirque moves it is usually a smooth transition: there one minute, gone the next. But just occasionally, just rarely, it is a messy thing, a series of lurches that everyone feels and that sends unsecured items toppling, like its own little earthquake. It was a lurch just like this, almost twenty years ago, that caused considerable damage to circus buildings and even injured a few of the workers.

The move from Hyderabad is not that intense, but it is uncomfortable and unsettling, especially for those who have been with the cirque five years or less and would have never experienced it before. For 25 long seconds the very ground beneath the cirque shakes and jerks, waking some from sleep and breaking some small unfortunate items. 25 seconds is a long time when the world is shaking, and long enough that people might start wondering if something has gone terribly wrong.

But the cirque doesn't get stuck and it doesn't damage itself, and when the shaking stops it has landed in its new temporary home. Still. Quiet. As though nothing happened at all.

A group of young people who have been winding down their night in the same place the cirque set itself down suddenly find themselves shifted a kilometre to the north. They feel a vaguely strange about it, but each individually chalks the feeling up to the long night they've had. The one of them who looks over at the cirque finds nothing unusual about its presence. Why wouldn't there be a circus there? It must have been set up during the day. )

[info]be_witching in [info]the_cirque

WHO Radhika & Alec
WHEN Just after the move
WHERE around the staff trailers
WHAT Dealing with the shock

... )

[info]vvitchcrafted in [info]the_cirque

text message: ren

✉️ Three words
✉️ Illegal street races.

[info]unblight in [info]the_cirque

Saturday, soon after the move.

Please report any damages around the cirque to the roustabout team, and report directly to me for anything that needs replacements provided. That is replacements for cirque items. Personal replacements come out of your own money, though I will help you to source anything difficult.

Not a particularly pleasant arrival, but not even in the top 10 of bad moves. If it's your first time experiencing this, know that it is not a sign that anything is wrong but that it occasionally just happens. I hope no one was injured.

Doing okay, kiddo? The only thing that broke for me was the stain-glass you made when you were eleven. I'm impressed it survived thirteen years hanging in the window. Must have been some good workmanship.

[info]forzacoraggio in [info]the_cirque

I have never been to Japan or outside the Europe-Asia continent. Tell me more. Show me more.

[info]thricedamned in [info]the_cirque

Do you know how pissed off I would have been if I had to travel by normal means, getting to India and then realizing that I had to go to Japan instead? Flights are expensive. And long. And the food is just never what it ought to be, even if I'm flying first class.

Hello again, Cirque. Elia's home.

[info]lifeisagiantcon in [info]the_cirque

Home sweet home.

It's almost like the circus knew it was on my mind.

If anyone would like help or tips/suggestions on what to do while we're here hit me up.

[info]cherishedlife in [info]the_cirque

Sunday afternoon


Kanji are so beautiful to look at. I love visiting all these places with written languages completely foreign to me, but any time I've tried to learn a language outside of the Latin alphabet I have failed miserably. (I can say a few things in Japanese thanks to Ren, but don't ask me to read anything.)

But Yokohama! I'm already putting together my list of things to go into the city to see. I want to try all the food.

Your wish came true. You should join Oracle Alley maybe ;)

Does Hiroki seem pleased to be here?