March 24th, 2024

[info]guarddog in [info]the_cirque

Callisto De Rossi & Isaac Rasmussen
Callisto knew of a few solutions to the problem facing Isaac.
WHAT: Isaac can't sleep and finds himself at Callisto's caravan
WHERE: Callisto's Caravan
WHEN: Early Morning 2/27/24 (Backdated)
STATUS: Complete
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[info]corpuscle in [info]the_cirque

WHO: Leon & Amelie
WHAT: Turning to magic for answers
WHEN: Backdated to pre!Patric's ghost popping up
WHERE: Their trailer
WARNINGS: Blood magic which comes hand in hand with cutting so don't read if triggered by that and references to Patric's death

Unable to bear the silence any longer, she called out, her voice barely above a whispe )

[info]leucism in [info]the_cirque

backdated to 03/22

Uhm. Has anyone seen a pair of black shoes? I took them off at the party and I haven't seen them since!

[info]__nova in [info]the_cirque

Never ever going to another party if I can help it.

Don't understand what people find so fun about that sort of shit, but at least nobody got hurt.

[info]magindara in [info]the_cirque

Sunday, March 24th; morning

Happy Holi!

Isn't it fortuitous that we're in India during this amazing holiday? It's the festival of colours, love, and spring, which are all lovely things that should be celebrated more in my opinion!

There are lots of events happening around town today, so who's up for forgoing sleep and coming to explore and get a bit messy with me?