March 8th, 2008

[info]good_jj_hunting in [info]tell_a_tale

Who: JJ Rowley and Livvy Hunt
What: Home cooked dinner
When: Backdated to Monday night
Where: JJ's apartment
Rating: PG-13? No clue with them yet.
Status: Incomplete || Closed Thread

She's like the wind, through my trees//She likes to ride next to me, like you won't believe//She leads me to moonlight, only to burn me with the sun//Damn it, I believe she knows she's taken my heart, she doesn't know what she's done//I feel her breath on my face, her body close to me//Can't look in her eyes, she's outta my league//She's like the wind... )

[info]town_mouse in [info]tell_a_tale

WHO Zephyr Way (Town Mouse) & Zeke Rhodes (Country Mouse; NPCed for this one, because Tali loves me. So there.)
WHAT Narrative – Random tour bus moment
WHEN March 8, morning
WHERE Tour bus, somewhere between the Netherlands and Switzerland
NOTES Rated G, unless you offended by guy love. Just a cute-in-my-eyes thing I wanted to share. :P

Narrative 010 – Zephyr Way )

[info]kingofskaters in [info]tell_a_tale

Who: Topher Lyons and OPEN (I figured everyone who wanted a thread with Topher in Chicago could do it here? If that's cool! Otherwise please IM me!), Topher's agent NPC.
What: Opening his store, surrounded by people (OHGAWD)
When: Saturday Afternoon
Where: The newest Lyons Gear in downtown Chicago.</b>
Status: Unfinished.

Someday when my life has passed me by || I'll wonder why you were always there for me )

September 2009



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