December 20th, 2007

[info]tinyangel in [info]tell_a_tale

Who: Gabriella Grey and Brooklyn Baxter
What:Sister time!
Where: Brookie's Place!
When: Thursday, eveningish
Rating: PG It's BRI, so, you know
Status: Incomplete Thread

way too tired to be witty right now )

[info]giantone in [info]tell_a_tale

Who: Ed McMillan, Ashleigh Barton, Ashleigh's parents (NPCs)
What: Meeting the parents
Where: Ashleigh's house, Chicago
When: backdated to Tuesday, early evening
Rating: PG-13? IDK, I'm kind of afraid of this thread
Status: Incomplete // Closed

this should be fun... )

[info]hellacioushades in [info]tell_a_tale

Who: Hayden Knight and Ollie Roslinn
What: He's going to help her grab some things from her room, and some more stuff might happen. *wink wink*
Where: Her parent's house, and to and from the street Xavier lives on, since she can't bring him there yet
When: Thursday, Dec. 20th, once he gets out for lunch
Rating: R. Possibly higher.
Status: Incomplete thread

Is it written in the stars/Are we paying for some crime/Is that all that we are good for/Just a stretch of mortal time/For some God's experiment/In which we have no say/In which we're given paradise/But only for a day )

[info]pinkwolf in [info]tell_a_tale

WHO Spencer Osborne (Hermes) & Dhani Lang (Wolf)
WHAT Date of the exes
WHEN Wednesday at three pm, Dec 19
WHERE Starts at the Lang household, then for ice cream somewhere, then... who knows?
STATUS Incomplete // PG for now

The littlest things that take me there / I know it sounds lame, but it's so true / I know it's not right, but it seems unfair / That the things are reminding me of you )

[info]detectinglove in [info]tell_a_tale

shoved in Chase's locker sometime after lunch )

[info]hookapillar in [info]tell_a_tale

Letter to Jade. )

[info]heartofabeast in [info]tell_a_tale

Who: Raoul and Darin (The Beast and The Prince) and Christine (if Hermeh wants to jump in later ;D)
Where: Seattle; Darin's place
What: Christmas Holidays!

Read more... )

September 2009



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