November 21st, 2007

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: godofsex

Who: Matt Kane and Jade James
What: Matt comes over to comfort her
Where: Jade's apartment
When: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 - eveningish
Rating: No more than PG-13? IDK
Status: Incomplete | Thread

I don't know why but I feel like I have to protect you from the world. )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: letdownyourhair

WHO: Annabella and Harry (Rapunzel and Rapunzels Prince), with snipeits of Ryder!
WHAT: Thanksgiving Dinner AND A KISS!!!
WHEN: Thursday (yes, we're forward dating)
WHERE: A really cool hotel room in New York that is like a mini apartment
RATING: I dunno yet
STATUS: Closed; Incomplete

You can kiss me in the moonlight on a rooftop under the sky, Oh, you can kiss me with the windows open while the rain comes pouring inside, Oh, kiss me in sweet slow motion, Let's let everything slide, You've got me floating, you've got me flying. )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: fairer_than_all

Who: Glory and Ant
What: Thanksgiving Preperations
Where: Glory's House
When: Nowish

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[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: dukeofbrood

Who: Chandler & Gabi (and possibly Charlotte & Jack? *evils*)
What: Spending time together.
Where: Boston, some shopping center/movie complex
When: Wednesday, November 21, Evening
Rating: PG-13, I think? Who knows?
Status: Incomplete. Closed-ish. Charlotte & Jack are welcome to join in, though. For the awks.

oh, this should be FUN )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: canthidebeauty

Who: Dari Davison & Chance Reed
What: Ice Skating/Quality Friend Time
Where: random frozen pond
When: [forward-dated] Saturday afternoon
Rating: PG, far as I know
Status: Incomplete. Closed.

just two old friends, hanging out )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: stutterish

Who: Eleanor Hamilton and Colton Griffin. (Gus Gus and Promethean)
What: She's bringing him Altoids and Tea because he is sick.
Where: Colton's crib.
When: Wednesday, November 21, Evening.
Rating: TBA
Status: Thread. Incomplete. Closed.

I may be neglecting the things I should do. )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: daddybear

WHO Nora Marshall (Clotho) & Drew Whitnall (Papa Bear)
WHAT Pre-Thanksgiving dinner
WHEN One o'clock, Wednesday November 21st
WHERE Nora's place -> Restaurant?
STATUS Incomplete // PG at most?

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[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: sanspeur

Text message to Bryan Bell. )

September 2009



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