September 10th, 2007

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: sanspeur

Text message to Bryan Bell. )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: jiminyjimmy

package delivered to Children's Hospital of Boston 'To Staff: Mia, to be distributed to patients' )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: differentcolor

Who: Autumn Harding and Ty Bruno (Horse of a Different Color and Bruno)
What: Random meeting.
Where: Afterparty of a modeling show in New Orleans
When: Late night Sept. 10th
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed Thread
Warnings: This is not my best, since I'm insanely tired. :D

When you walk in the bar/And you dressed like a star/Rockin' your F me pumps/And the men notice you/With your Gucci bag crew/Can't tell who he's lookin' to )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: wornslippers

Who: Chance Reed & Hayley Lehman (open to others after kiss)
What: Chance's SHOW! And First Kiss!!!
Where: Behind the Scenes at the show
Rating: PG (kissing! yay!)
Status: Incomplete/Open to family and friends of Chance who are in NYC

For Chance, the show went by in a beautiful crazed blur. It was the most amazing and crazy experience of his life, even more so than his first showing, which was something he never expected to top as far as amazing moments go. As he went out and took his bow, seeing the proud and loving faces of his family and closest friends, he didn't think life could get any better than that moment. He was on cloud nine, living on a total emotional high. As he turned around and walked backstage, the broad grin he wore never left his face.

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: canthidebeauty

Who: Dari Davison (Flora) & Jeremy Pitt (The Prince)
What: Awks/Hanging out
Where: Jer's Place
When: Tuesday after classes, around 2pm
Warnings: Pretty much G
Status: Incomplete | Closed

Dari frowned down at her phone. She'd tried calling Jeremy twice and he'd not answered. Granted, it was only just before 2, so he could still be asleep, but, dammit, she'd missed him and she wanted to see him, so she decided to just head over to his place. If he was still asleep, Jack would let her in and then she could slip into bed, maybe wake him up in a happy way. She didn't know. All she knew was that she'd had a pretty good weekend, but it had been Jeremy-less and she hadn't seen nearly enough of him even before she'd gone to New York and she missed him.

She practically skipped up the walkway from her car, knocking on the door as she called out to him, "Hey, Jer.. you home? It's me.."

September 2009



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