September 1st, 2007

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: letdownyourhair

Who: Anna and Mareike, Duncans Ex DUN DUN DUN (Rapunzel and NPC!)
What: Bad first meeting
When: Aftenoon
Where: Duncan and Annas Place
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete;Closed

It was close to the time Duncan had told her Mareike would be dropping the kids off for their weekend with him before starting school and he'd had to go into the office for some quick paperwork on a house that had been sold. Turning the volume down on the television Anna got up off the couch and picked up the few toys that Ryder had scattered around the living room while playing, normally she'd of had the little boy do it himself but he was in his room sleeping, having tired himself out. The last thing she wanted was for her boyfriends ex to see the place her children was staying at a mess, she knew that if it was her dropping Ryder off somewhere she wouldn't want to see a dirty living area for him to be playing in.

Dropping the toys into the toychest in the corner she glanced around the place, picking up the empty soda can from the coffee table and taking it to the trash just as there was a rapping on the door. Pushing her hair back from her face she went to the front door, checked the peephole just in case, and then pulled it open with a smile on her face and a nice, "Hello."

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: giantone

Who: Ashleigh and Ed
What: First Meeting
When: Friday sometime (yep, backdated)
Where: Quad, on the way to practice
Rating: Nothing bad
Status: Incomplete, Closed

la la la.. )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: ratcatcher

Phone call to Anna Rapunzel )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: crustacea

WHO Charlotte Champagne Hollywood Murphy. (Sebastian and Mother f Goose..)
WHAT Random meeting.
WHERE The park.
WHEN September 1st, 2007; late afternoon
STATUS Thread / Incomplete

Everything you are falls from the sky like a star. )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

Original poster: peter_charming

WHO: Peter Charming & Elizabeth Cinders
WHERE: Horse drawn carraige
WHEN: Sept. 1st, evening
STATUS: Thread / Incomplete

Well, if I may say so, Your Majesty, I did try to warn you; but you, Sire, are incurably romantic. No doubt you saw the whole pretty picture in detail. The young prince bowing to the assembly. Suddenly he stops. He looks up. For, lo, there she stands. The girl of his dreams. Who she is or whence she came, he knows not, nor does he care for his heart tells him that here, here is the maid he is predestined to be his bride. )

September 2009



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