July 26th, 2007

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: _primaballerina

Who: Brooklyn and Billy
What: Spur of the moment visit
When: Forwarded to Elevenish on the 26th
Where: Brooklyns
Rating: At LEAST PG-13
Open?: No unles you have a good idea

I'll keep you my dirty little secret )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: come_on_down

Who: Jared and Marissa
What: Him sneaking into the room
When: Now?
Where: The hospital
Rating: Who knows
Open?: Possibly. Ask first.

Slouching in the same chair that he had been for the last day or so Jareds hands were balled into fists, one leg bouncing up and down with nervousness. The doctor had just come out and told him what was up with marissa, and also informed him that she hadn't been let in on this peice of information to keep her calm. That was a hugemistake. The longer they kept her in the dark about everything the more stressed she was going to be.

Growing tired of the constant waiting he stood up, muttering something about needing air as he left the waiting room. Once out of the room he didn't head towards outside, instead he turned around and went straight for Rissa's room. The nurses had been keeping it out of it, figuring the less people she saw the less stress, but he'd reached the end of his rope. No more being yo-yoed back and forth from nurse to nurse who just gave him the same answer time and time again. Glancing around the door of her room, finding for the first time in hours it to be unwatched he opened the door and slipped inside, closing it silently behind him.

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: littleariel

Who: Arielle Anderson, Cameron Nocchio. Friends and family.
What: Opening night of The Little Mermaid.
Where: Local theatre.
When: 26 July 2007. 7 pm.
Rating: TBA.
Status: Thread // Incomplete.

Wish I could be.. part of your world! )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: canthidebeauty

Who: Dari (Flora) & OPEN! (we're bored, play with us)
What: Reading by the riverwalk, hopefully socializing
Where: Riverwalk mall, on the benches by the river (that's in new orleans, fyi)
When: July 26, Afternoon
Rating: Tame, as far as I know.
Status: OPEN Thread // Incomplete.

curled up with a good book - the perfect way to spend a day )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: sealaine

There's a lightning storm each and every night, crashing inside you. )

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tell_a_tale

Original poster: crustacea

WHO Charlotte Champagne and Jaques Sherringford
WHAT Opening night of The Little Mermaid. A misunderstanding. An argument.
WHERE Local theatre.
WHEN 26 July 2007. 6:30 P.M.
STATUS Complete

I swear I'm right. I swear I knew it all along. )

September 2009



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