July 2012




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Feb. 17th, 2012


Thread: A Storm Hits Lima!

Who: The Population of Lima Ohio and surrounding areas
When: Friday, February 17th, 3 pm
Where: Various locations around Lima and beyond
Warnings: Character deaths, Language, TBD
What: A storm, even worse than the one the previous summer, rips trough Lima, changing everything.

Off with a BANG! )

Feb. 15th, 2012


Who: Puck and Harley (Parley? Narley? Huck?)
When: Tuesday, February 14th, Evening.
Where: A nice Lima hotel I won't bother to name.
What: Puck goes to have his Valentine's Non-Romance Night. Harley obliges.
Warnings: This is basically sex. Possibly alcohol. Puckerman's mouth. TBD

Now all he needed was Noah Puckerman. )

Feb. 14th, 2012


Thread: this is the part where the base starts (open)

WHO: Lisa & open
WHEN: Tuesday, Feb 14th; after lunch.
WHERE: McKinley gym/weight room
WHAT: Blowing off her classes, Lisa opts for the other form of tension release following JBI's blog.
WARNING: standard language warning, reference to sexual assault and trauma.

She'd been half hoping the Monday would bring normalcy and she'd be set for not thinking about it anymore )

Feb. 11th, 2012


Thread: Puck and Olivia talk at the Lima Bean

Who: Puck, Olivia, and anyone who happens by for coffee
When: Saturday, Feb 11, 11 am
Where: The infamous Lima Bean
What: Relationship talk.

While he was waiting, Puck slipped his headphones on and sipped his mocha... )


Thread: Pol's Rave

Who: Pollux and OPEN to peeps invited
When: Saturday, Feb 11, 2012, night
Where: abandoned warehouse
What: Rave party!
Warnings: Sexy times, drug use, drinking TBD (peeps let me know so I can update)

I'm coming up so you better get this party started )

Feb. 10th, 2012


Email to Olivia

Who: Puck to Olivia
When: Friday, Feb 10, during lunch
Where: The ether
What: Puck emails Olivia about their relationship.

You have one (1) new email )

Feb. 8th, 2012


Thread: Puck and Pollux in the woods

Who: Puck and Pollux
When: Wednesday, 2/8 afternoon
Where: The woods outside of town, then Puck's townhouse
Warnings: Infidelity, sexytimes
What: Puck needs some coaching on how to control his powers and Pollux obliges.

Puck had to get away. )

Feb. 6th, 2012


Narrative: Sarah Gets Hurt and Puck's a Mama's Boy

Who: Noah, Sarah, and Rita Puckerman
When: Sunday Feb 5, morning
Where: Puck's townhouse
What: Puck deals with the fallout of Olivia's mental breakdown, badly.
Warnings: Alcohol abuse, Domestic violence-ish, language

Tell me the truth, Noe. You've been moping around for months. )


Texts: Rachel talks to Puck

Who: Puck, Rachel
Where: The ~airwaves
When: 2/6, night
What: Rachel tries to get to the bottom of what's going on with Puck and Olivia.

To: Noah
From: Rachel

Noah, what happened this weekend? Something's... not right, I know. Are you okay?

Feb. 4th, 2012


and I was like baby baby baby oooh

Who: Dave, Puck, Olivia
What: Liv's going nuts, Dave and Puck take care of her.
Where: St. Rita's
When: 2/05, very early morning
Warnings: Miscarriage, cussing, nutsy-cookoo-ness, suicidal thoughts, self harm, Puck sets things on fire, Dave relapses...
Notes: Cas is staying with the puppy worrying, in case you're wondering.

text to Puck )


Thread: Party at Tina's

Date: February 4, Saturday evening
Characters: Tina and Open
Location: Tina's House
Summary: Party at Tina's while the parents are away.

Time to Party! )

Jan. 28th, 2012


Thread: Puck's quest for vengeance

Who: Puck and his boys (Dave and Artie, possibly Sam and Mike) vs Faith
When: Saturday, Jan 28 - late evening
Where: Faith's farm
Warnings: talk of miscarriage, violence
What: After finding out on Thursday that Faith was responsible for Olivia's injury and miscarriage, Puck gathers up a posse to go medieval on her ass - superpowers style!

Faith totally deserved a beat-down. Or a good scaring. And if Puck accidentally slipped and set her a little on fire, well that was just an eye for an eye, right? )

Jan. 27th, 2012


Text to Mike, Sam, Artie, and Dave

Who: Puck to Mike, Sam, Artie, and Dave
When: Thursday night, 1/27
What: Puck has vengeance on the brain.

You have one (1) new message... )


Thread: Puck goes private eye, Alec assists

Who: Puck and Alec
When: Thursday, 1/26 during school
Where: The A/V club room, McKinley High
What: Puck needs to find out who pushed his babymama down the stairs.

Puck put on his best charming-but-not-trying-to-get-into-your-pants smile and said, "Hey." )


Sitting Shiva

Who: all those invited on Olivia's journal
When: Jan. 28th, 2012 (forward dated due to my sleep patterns)
Where: Gilmore house
What: sitting shiva
Warnings: miscarriage warnings, will add as needed

Jan. 22nd, 2012


Thread: Puck goes ballistic

Who: Puck and Rachel (Jacob and Deb and anyone else Jewish also welcome)
When: Early morning, Saturday Jan 20
Where: The Jewish Community Center
Warnings: Language, mention of miscarriage, sacrilege, poor understanding of Judaism on Ptera's part
What: Puck can't handle the truth.

Olivia had lost the baby. )


Who: Olivia, Puck, & Dave
Where: St. Rita's
When: 01/22/2012
What: Visiting Liv in the hospital
Warnings: miscarriage mentions, language, tba

Jan. 21st, 2012


Thread: Puck and Rachel have a heart-to-heart

Who: Puck and Rachel
When: Backdated to Sunday, Jan 15
Where: Puck's house
Warnings: Language, of course
What: Puck needs help with his final exam project and his bad attitude. Rachel’s there to help.

The end of the semester was coming up )

Jan. 19th, 2012


Bitch Fight

Who: Faith, Olivia, Puck, and Jadyn
When: 01/19/2012
Where: McKinley, after school
What: Faith and Olivia fight
Warnings: Big triggery ones for miscarriage, you've been warned.

Jan. 17th, 2012


Thread - paranormal investigations of the awkward kind

Who: Sarah & Puck (guest appearance by some ghosts)
When: Jan 17th, mid-afternoon
Where: McKinley High
What: Having successfully completed her mission (B+ on a test), Sarah gets a 'surprise' from a friendly neighbourhood ghost. It's just tragic that these things are never easy to get. Enter Noah Puckerman.
Warning: Blanket language warning for Puck, ghost warning for Sarah.

It was like the dead just couldn't do anything the easy way. )

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