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September 3rd, 2011

[info]sg_lizzie in [info]supergleerpg

text for Santana

Date: September 3
Who: Lizzie & Santana
Warnings: None
Subject: Following this exchange, Lizzie figures she better text Santana.

is it ok if i go to matts party tonite

[info]sg_puck in [info]supergleerpg

Texts to: Artie, Sam, and Dave

Date: September 3rd, ~9 am
Where: cell phones etc~
Who: Puck to Artie, Sam, and Dave

Summary: Puck just wants to have fun with his bros.

Read more... )

[info]sg_kurt in [info]supergleerpg

Boys Day Out

Date: Sept 3, 10am onward
Where: Captain Jack's Amusement Park
Who: Kurt, Sam, Puck, Dave, Artie
Summary: The boys head out for a day of fun and games.

Why does everyone look like me? )

[info]sg_artie in [info]supergleerpg

Bartie time!

Date: Sept 3, 9 pm
Who: Artie and Brittany
Where: Brittany's house
Warning: Memories of sexy!times
Summary: Following his day with the guys at Captain Jack's Amusement Park, Artie chooses to forgo the party at Matt's in favor of keeeping a grounded Brittany S. Pierce company at her place.

One person at a time, no matter their plumbing, that is my belief )

[info]sg_matt in [info]supergleerpg

text: matt & puck

Date: September 3rd, 8:50 pm (ten minutes before the party starts)
Where: cell phones etc~
Who: Matt & Puck
Warnings: drug references~
Summary: Matt isn't a complete asshole and warns one person (but just one) about the pot content of the brownies at his party

Dude pretty sure u no this alrdy but dont eat the brownies @ my party if u rnt off probation yet. C u soon :)!

[info]sg_dkarofsky in [info]supergleerpg

Text to Rachel

Date: 9/2, evening
Characters: Dave, Rachel
Warnings: Possible mentions of self harm/alleged suicide attempt
Summary: Dave finds out he may actually have friends somewhere.

Word on the street is you're thinking of adopting me. Can I crash on your couch for a few nights?

[info]sg_matt in [info]supergleerpg

Thread: Errrone, Matt's football win victory party

Date: Sept 3, 9pm
Where: Matt's House
Who: Everyone (add your tags even if you don't post so we know who was there.)
Warnings: Will be in subject lines, but overall: underage drinking, drug use, possible sexual content
Summary: Matt throws a victory party!

partyin' partyin' YEAH )