Apr. 22nd, 2015


Who: Barry and Caitlin
What: Barry has returned to a timeline where, thanks to the butterfly effect, a few things have changed.
When: After this, on 4/15/2015
Where: STAR labs
Rating/Warnings: TBD, maybe some kissing

Ch-ch-changes )

Apr. 15th, 2015


Who: Barry, Not!Wells, Possibly the Allen family?
When: Outside of time, then 4/15/2000
Where: Barry's old house, Central City
What: A malfunctioning machine leads to trying to change history
I can change things. )

Apr. 11th, 2015


Who: Barry and Caitlin
When: A few days after the crisis (2025)
Where: The Future of S.T.A.R. Labs
What: Trying to get home
We can change this future. )

Mar. 18th, 2015


Who: Open to all future members of the JLA
What: The Crisis is upon the world and it's up to the Justice League to save their world.
When: 3/16/2025
Where: Spread out across the US and possibly the world
Rating/Warnings: Let's keep it at a max of PG-13. Violence likely and maybe even character deaths possible.
Notes: For the sake of organization, please separate this into subthreads and label them with the location and characters involved (open threads are encouraged!)

A world in crisis. )

Mar. 7th, 2015


Who: Barry, Reverse Flash, and Open to Future!people
When: Starting 3/7/15 and heading to 2025
Where: Central City (Present)/Outside the Spacetime Continuum/Central City (2025)
What: Reverse Flash drags Barry into the future (again)
Not again. )

Feb. 25th, 2015


Who: Iris and Barry
What: After date talking
When: 2/24, same night as Brick's take down
Where: Various places, starting outside the movie theater
Rating/Warnings: PG at most. Date things, cuteness, and some interrogation/curiosity

And then he kissed me. )

Feb. 3rd, 2015


Who: Iris and Barry
What: Discussing just how she was going to prove that she did indeed get an interview with the Flash
When: 2/3, Evening and moves to the 2/4 morning
Where: The West House
Rating/Warnings: PG, some awkward moments and a good bit of aggravation

Maybe if you just run in and say 'hi'? )

Jan. 28th, 2015


Who: Barry and Iris
When: Wednesday 1/28 around 6PM
Where: Jitters rooftop
What: Celebrating Iris's new job
Congratulations! )

Jan. 25th, 2015


Who: Barry and S.T.A.R. Labs Crew
When: Saturday 1/24, 2PM
Where: S.T.A.R. Labs, possibly Ferris Air if needed
What: Catching up, pushing the limits
Harder, better, faster, stronger )

Jan. 19th, 2015


Who: Iris and Barry
What: Iris needs to talk to her friend, even if it is a little awkward
When: The late night of 1/20
Where: Starts over the phone, will probably move to Jitters rooftop
Rating/Warnings: PG possibly. People dealing with emotions and feelings.

I just called to say... )

Jan. 17th, 2015


Who: Cisco, Barry, Iris, open to Caitlin
What: Barry's return!
When: January 15th
Where: Outside Jitters
Rating/Warnings: TBD

Insanity or science? )

Jan. 7th, 2015


Who: Reverse Flash, Barry, and Chronos
What: The fight you've all been waiting for! Maybe.
When: December 31, 2014 to start
Where: Central City
Rating/Warnings: Maybe violence or language, probably not too much.

There and back again? )

Jan. 1st, 2015


Who: Open to those in Central
What: A New Years' Eve celebration for Team Flash and their loved ones. Possibly an appearance from the Reverse Flash.
When: New Years' Eve 2014
Where: Jitters
Rating/Warnings: TBA-please label on subsequent comment threads if warnings are necessary.
Notes: This will draw a smaller group, but subthreads are certainly allowed and encouraged. As for Wells, he'll be around as needed but might not be overly talkative and social. I'll also try to get Cisco in here as well.

Time to ring in another year. )

Dec. 17th, 2014


Who: Ray, Barry, and Caitlin
What: Ray reaches out to STAR labs for help with Project ATOM. Yes, that's a lot of acronyms.
When: Sometime after Arrow vs. Flash but before the midseason finales
Where: STAR labs
Rating/Warnings: probably G/PG with no warnings

Talk nerdy to me. )

Dec. 13th, 2014


Who: Roy, Barry, Felicity (maybe others)
What: A little down time discussion?
When: Post-AVF events
Where: (Not) Arrowcave
Rating/Warnings: PG at most
Heard anything from Central lately? )

Nov. 23rd, 2014


Who: Barry, Iris, and Roy
What: Running and hero-ing
When: After "The Flash is Born" (Flash 1.07)
Where: Mostly Starling
Rating/Warnings: G (None yet)

Barry needed to get away for a while. )