Apr. 26th, 2015


TWITTER POST FROM @justcallmecat

Finally finished rehab. Ugh. Angrier than ever. RIP Maggie.

Jan. 25th, 2015


Characters: BatCat
Location: Streets
Time: Backdated to Friday night
Warnings: TBD, likely high for violence, mentions of violence, etc
Summary: A vengeful Cat goes after her sister's killers and it doesn't end well for her.
Status: In Progress | Closed


You can wear anything, as long as it's not black. And please don't mourn forever, she's not coming back...Read more... )

Jan. 10th, 2015


Characters: Batman & Catwoman
Location: Streets
Time: Friday night
Warnings: TBD
Summary: Bat meets Cat
Status: In Progress | Closed


You could be my someone, you could be my scene. You know that I'll protect you from all of the unclean.Read more... )

Nov. 29th, 2014


Characters: Bruce and Selina
Location: Streets of Starling
Time: Early evening
Warnings: TBD, will update is needed
Summary: Selina meets the prince of Gotham while searching for her sister
Status: In Progress | Closed


now everybody's got advice they just keep on giving doesn't mean too much to meRead more... )