May. 23rd, 2015


Who: Brian Durlin/Savant, Roy, and Nyssa
What: There's a new player in town.
When: Saturday, May 2nd
Where: The Glades
Rating/Warnings: Likely PG or PG-13 for violence.

Just want to help. )

Apr. 13th, 2015


Who: Nyssa and Roy
What: Roy ordered Nyssa to stay out of Starling City. Nyssa ignored that order and is attempting to make amends.
When: Monday night, April 13th
Where: The alley behind Verdant.
Rating/Warnings: Possible violence, so likely PG-13 or so.

Never thought I'd say I'm sorry. )

Mar. 29th, 2015


Characters: Nyssa & Sara
Location: Around the city
Time: Backdated to Wednesday afternoon
Warnings: TBD, likely nothing bad
Summary: Nyssa and Sara go apartment hunting
Status: In Progress | Closed


And everything I have in this world, and all that I'll ever be. It could all fall down around me. Just as long as I have you, right here by me.Read more... )

Mar. 7th, 2015


Who: Nyssa & Sara
What: Talking about Nyssa's banishment.
When: Evening, Feb 28th
Where: Laurel's apartment
Rating/Warnings: TBD

I'd give it up all over again for you. )

Feb. 24th, 2015


Who: Nyssa and Talia
What: The secret's out about Sara and it's time for Nyssa to face the consequences.
When: 2/24, evening
Where: Nyssa's living quarters
Rating/Warnings: PG or PG13 for violence

Blood is thicker than water. )

Jan. 26th, 2015


Who: Nyssa and Talia
What: The daughters of the demon don't always see eye to eye.
When: Nighttime on Jan 26
Where: A seedy motel in the Glades
Rating/Warnings: Likely PG or PG-13 for violence, possibly language.

We are sisters in blood, sisters in arms. )

Jan. 5th, 2015


Who: Nyssa and Sara
What: Another check in
When: New Year's Eve
Where: Laurel's apartment
Rating/Warnings: TBD

I just called to say... )

Dec. 21st, 2014


Who: Nyssa and Sara
What: Nyssa stops into see her beloved while she's in town.
When: A little over a week after the events of the Climb
Where: Laurel's apartment
Rating/Warnings: Likely low, again, SPOILERS for the midseason finale.

Ain't no love like lost love. )

Dec. 19th, 2014


Who: Nyssa and Roy
What: Delivering News
When: A little over a week after The Climb
Where: The alleyway by Verdant
Rating/Warnings: Likely PG, maybe PG-13. SPOILERS. If you haven't seen the midseason finale for Arrow, turn back now.

The honorable thing. )