Feb. 24th, 2015


Who: Nyssa and Talia
What: The secret's out about Sara and it's time for Nyssa to face the consequences.
When: 2/24, evening
Where: Nyssa's living quarters
Rating/Warnings: PG or PG13 for violence

Blood is thicker than water. )

Jan. 26th, 2015


Who: Nyssa and Talia
What: The daughters of the demon don't always see eye to eye.
When: Nighttime on Jan 26
Where: A seedy motel in the Glades
Rating/Warnings: Likely PG or PG-13 for violence, possibly language.

We are sisters in blood, sisters in arms. )

Jan. 24th, 2015


Who: Talia and Bruce
When: 1/23
Where: Wayne Industries building, Starling
What: Getting reacquainted

For Talia, it was child's play getting into his office. )