THE FEARLESS SPORK SQUAD - March 24th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
The Fearless Spork Squad

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March 24th, 2010

JACK CHICK TRACTS: NO FEAR [Mar. 24th, 2010|02:31 am]


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[Current Mood |fiery]
[Current Music |Barenaked Ladies--Inline Bowline]

Hey, snarkgoers! Would you like a worksafe equivalent of our dickgirl shenanigans? Well, you're not gonna get it on a comm that has weeping dicks as a background, I dunno what you were smokin' there, but we do snark vanilla shit sometimes. Especially Chick tracts. God do we love Chick tracts.

We're not the first and maybe not the best at this--that honor goes to Jabberwocky, so be sure to visit Campfire of the Vanities for a more intellectual (but still hilarious) look at the Chick phenomenon. And by "phenomenon", I mean "bullshit and fuckery". Our snark has 187% more YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, however, so don't go too far!

In this tract, we tackle one of the biggest problems young people face today: Sodomy demons--are they bad? The answer may surprise you.

We toyed with tyin' the noose, no one knew he'd give it use )
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TAKE ME TO ARIAKE! CH. 7 - "TOKYO CHOO CHOO" [Mar. 24th, 2010|11:13 am]
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