Posts Tagged: 'clark+kent+%28dctv%29'

Jul. 12th, 2019



Who: Scott Lang and OPEN
When: Today July 12
Where: Around town
What: Checking on people, delivering orange juice or whatever is needed
Rating: Shouldn't be high
Warnings Sick people?

You give me fever )

May. 25th, 2019



Who: Superman (DCTV) & Steve Rogers (MCU)
What: Kal is making things for the library.
Where: Outskirts of town near the woods.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Rating: PG for arm candy and perfect male specimenness.

Clark was never one to be idle. )

May. 18th, 2019



Who: Carol and Clark
When: Saturday morning
Where: Somewhere on the outskirts of town in the woods
What: Blowing off steam
Rating: TBA (probably low unless there is swearing)

Well, this sucks )

Apr. 29th, 2019



WHO: Dick Grayson, Clark Kent
WHAT: Catching a falling bird
WHEN: 29 April
RATING: Low, probably. Will update if needed.

I picked you up and put you back on solid ground )

Apr. 18th, 2019



Who: Anyone who wants to come by
What: Grand-opening party!
Where: Pancho's Bar
When: Friday Night

Pancho Party (it's a thing, now) )

Mar. 24th, 2019



Who: Peter B Parker and Clark Kent
What: What's that there in the sky?
When: Sunday
Where: Above town

A bird? A plane? A spider? )