August 11th, 2011

[info]can_swear in [info]silverage


Who: Simon, Cameron
What: a chance meeting / mistaken identity
When: afternoon
Where: on the streets
Rating: Low
Status: --

Snow? In August? )

[info]skyllianblitz in [info]silverage

Who: Shepard and Open to All.
What: The aftermath of her arrival. A blizzard. A cup of real honest to goodness coffee.
When: A few hours after the beginning of the blizzard.
Where: A diner off of Broadway.
Rating: B for Blizzard. (Actually, mild swearing, fine otherwise.)
Status: Open, ongoing.

it wasn't precisely as if Shepard had packed for this weather )

[info]romanaii in [info]silverage

Who: Romana & the (10th) Doctor.
When: Thursday Afternoon.
Where: The streets of this Winter Wonderland.
What: Getting to know the place.
Rating/status: OPEN/TBD

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