August 10th, 2011

[info]tufty in [info]silverage

somewhere to begin

Who: Remus Lupin
When: Backdated to early Saturday morning
Where: Around the city
What: Lots of thinking, lots of walking, lots of asking, lots of guessing.
Rating/status: G/finished.

Oh, simple thing, where have you gone? )

[info]sansiron in [info]silverage

Who: Tony Stark and [OPEN]
What: This is my inadvertent way of letting everyone in the game know that on the 7th the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was passed giving the president free reign to escalate the conflict in SE Asia as he pleased and without boundaries, which was essentially the US declaring war on Vietnam. /history lesson.

Yes, this affects Tony. Shut up. >.>
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Tavern on the Green
Warnings: TBD

One quick whiskey followed by a Manhattan or two or five and he would be well on his way out of his moral dilemma. )

[info]bat_bogeys in [info]silverage


Who: Ginny, Neville
What: Arriving
When: Wednesday evening
Where: a dark alley and then the streets
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

That was unexpected ... )