July 26th, 2011

[info]vampire_compton in [info]silverage

Who: Bill and Lily Evans
When: a warm Tuesday evening, just after sunset
Where: Battery Park
What: Bill gets out of the house
Rating/status: Completed

When you came in, the air went out... )

[info]lonely_god in [info]silverage

Who: Rose Tyler and the Tenth Doctor
When: July 26, after this
Where: The TARDIS, parked just next to the Welcome Center
What: The Doctor and Rose are reunited, though it's not quite in the right order.
Rating: TBD, probably low
Status: Closed, In progress

The Doctor knew he was taking a huge risk, meeting with her now, when she didn't know him, not as this him, not yet. )

[info]just_lily in [info]silverage

Waiting, hoping

Who: Lily
What: beginning to adjust
When: Tuesday morning
Where: Her room
Rating: Low
Status: Narrative, complete

Still here ... )

[info]thatdarncat in [info]silverage

Who: Selina Kyle and Linda Carter
What: Selina's in pretty bad shape
When: Tuesday night
Where: Metropolitan General
Rating: Low
Status: Completed

Damned fire escapes... )