July 27th, 2011

[info]just_lily in [info]silverage


Who: Lily, Don
What: She has decided she wants an explanation
When: Wednesday, around lunch time
Where: Where he works.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

She had been willing to just let it go ... )

[info]mutant_proud in [info]silverage

Who: Raven and Kurt
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: The World's Fair
What: Raven puts off her trip to Westchester for a little entertainment
Rating/status: TBD/ongoing

What's one more day? A few more? )

[info]onewolf in [info]silverage

ouija boards are useless

Who: Cloud Strife + Zack Fair
What: The good kind of a reunion, the kind where no one dies.
When: Lunchtime
Where: Starts at the Welcome Center
Rating/status: ~G/finished.

He hated monsters-in-a-box. )