Sep. 10th, 2008


[info]brutalopera - A Metal/REPO! RPG

Date last posted: First post
Name of the Game: [info]brutalopera
Format: IM/MSN, IJ
Genre: Horror, sci-fi
Contact info: AnarchicQ @
Premise Summary: In the near future, the world is nothing but an industrial waste and organs are failing, and you must survive it. The catch? You play as a musician. A Repo! The genetic opera/ Real person AU.
Age limit: 18
Starting date: whenever.
Other details:
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Jun. 17th, 2008


Date last posted: I've never posted here, as I've just joined.
Name of the Game: American Idol Exposed, via [info]idol_expose_mod
Format: It's an AIM-based game, with journal updates from your character to be done at LEAST once every four weeks, about what's happening in your character's life.
Genre: Original - Fandom: American Idol
Contact info: If you'd like to get in touch with a mod, please leave your questions/comments/etc., in a comment in the mod journal [[info]idol_expose_mod]
Premise Summary: Ever wonder what happens to your favorite contestants behind the scenes of American Idol, when the cameras are off and the lights go down? Who's hooking up with whom? Who causes drama behind the scenes, and what's the latest gossip on the set? What happens to the contestants once they've been voted off of the show, and how do they handle it offstage? American Idol Exposed has all of the answers to those questions, and more.
Age limit: Well, since there are adult themes, we prefer that all players be over 16, as there is mature subject matter.
Starting date: We opened on GreatestJournal on April 6, 2006, but relocated to InsaneJournal on December 9, 2007.
Other details:
More details )



This is a post simply to set up the tags for [info]selectiverpgads. If the tags listed do not match your game, please add the appropriate tag.