Aug. 24th, 2009


Alternate University - Original Characters, Shifting Genres

Date last posted: First Time Posting
Name of the Game: Alternate University
Format: IJ, thread-based
Genre: Multiple (the genre changes monthly)
Contact info:
Premise Summary: When an experiement goes wrong below a Verne Hall the professors and college students are sucked into an alternate universe. Now they have to struggle to adapt as their world keeps changing beyond their dreams.
Age limit: 18+ please
Starting date: September 12, 2009 or 12 characters
Other details: players can vote each month on which genre they want the game to move into but this is not a panfandom game. The genres are broad (Old South, Space Opera, Pirates, etc.)
More details )

Aug. 10th, 2008


Xemplify - An X-Men AU

DATE LAST UPDATED: August 30th, 2008
Name of the Game: X-Emplify: An X-men RPG
Format: AIM & Journal Comment
Genre: X-Men Movie-verse AU
Contact info: [info]xemplifymods
Premise Summary: To put it simply, this is an X-men game that slides in somewhere after the first movie and skews off to the side. Made by those who are dissatisfied with the movie continuum and who would prefer to see more comic influences in the game, we have completely disregarded movies two and three though their story concepts may be played out at some point because, in essence, they would be fun to play. OCs are welcome and the game is in full swing. The time frame is somewhat mod-controlled (two weeks "real time" is equal to one week "game time") to accommodate those with real life obligations - school, family, etc.
Age limit: None, but please understand that adult situations may occur. PG-13 to R rating at the moment.
Starting date: July 2008
Other details:
We have been open for a few months and are steadily growing! We would love to see you and you would own our souls if you pick up a wanted character! Come see us, pick up a character... or four! Check the wanted page as these characters have a same or next day application review! (The characters on the wanted page will also be easier to apply for.) So there! Come see us!

Wanted; Iceman, Jean Grey, Beast, Colossus, Elixir, Northstar, Donald Pierce, Sebastian Shaw, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Black Tom, Banshee, & Brotherhoodies!

Check the wanted page for additional info!

Banner & Links )

Jun. 17th, 2008


Boca de Inferno | A Buffy, Smallville, Supernatural Crossover RPG

Date last posted: First time.
Name of the Game: Boca De Inferno: A Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Smallville Crossover RPG
Format: AIM and Journal on IJ.
Genre: Horror/Supernatural.
Contact info: PM the mod @ [info]theptb.
Premise Summary: Sunnydale, California. A town that was, according to its residents, notorious for being a little...strange. It all started in 1989 when the town fell victim to, of all things, a rain of fire -- a meteor shower. The town was devestated. So many lives were lost, homes destroyed, and soon, Sunnydale became known as the meteor capital of the world. A shadow seemed to envelop the tiny town. Whispers of strange disappearances, disturbing murders, and questionable establishments have been spreading across the town. Something was coming. Everyone could feel it.

Welcome to Sunnydale, the town where nothing is ever as it seems. Let's hope you don't get eaten alive.
Age limit: 16+
Starting date: June 16, 2008
Other details: AVAILABLE</font> angel, drusilla, lorne, spike, bart allen, allan francis doyle, whitney fordman, rupert giles, ellen harvelle, lois lane, jonathan levinson, harmony kendall, jonathon kent, martha kent, lindsey mcDonald, warren mears, lilah morgan, jimmy olsen, daniel osborne, oliver queen, pete ross, chloe sullivan, joyce summers, andrew wells, dean winchester, john winchester



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