Aug. 16th, 2009


Fallen Pedestals

Date last posted: First time
Name of the Game: Fallen Pedestals
Format: Journals/threads
Genre: Fantasy, Mythology, Supernatural
Contact info: cinnamontwists[@]hotmail[.]co[.]uk
Premise Summary: Fallen Pedestals is a journal-based game in which the characters of Greek Mythology (be they God, Mortal, Nymph, Monster, etc.) are plucked out of their time by a vengeful Cronus, stripped of their powers, and tossed into the streets of present-day Manhattan to live. Or rather, attempt to. Situated in one apartment complex, the former deities and/or heroes (etc.) occasionally find themselves cursed by the angry Titan in addition to continually being plagued by today's society and each other.
Age limit: Recommended 17+
Starting date: January 1, 2009
Other details: Wanted List
More details )