Schloss Eberbach

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Schloss Eberbach



June 25th, 2008

Shiatsu Eroica

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By: Margaret Price

Posted: June 25, 2008

Notes: The Author has been kind enough to give us Eroica and the Major's birthdays, astrological signs, and even blood type. My son is learning the Japanese massage discipline of Shiatsu, which has roots in accupressure and utilizes the 5 elements.

What Is Five Element Theory?
Five Element Theory helps you understand how natural changes within your body and outside environment affect your health. To predict and understand these dynamic changes, ancient doctors studied nature to determine what universal principles existed that could be applied to health and well-being. Five Element Theory is what they came up with.

The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. They were selected based on the observations of ancient oriental philosophers who theorized that the natural world embodied these elemental characteristics. Oriental Medicine uses this time-tested, diagnostic model to analyze how the various parts of a person's body and mind interact to affect health.

When Jim started to tell me about the particulars of each, I naturally had to ask about the Major and Dorian. We were both rather stunned by the answers.

The Major is Wood )

Dorian is Fire )

Want to know what you are? The Five Element Personality Test

June 7th, 2008

An observation: The dicotomy that is the Major.

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Illustrations by: Yasuko Aoike

By: Margaret Price

Posted: June 7, 2008

Notes: The Major is introduced in "Iron Klaus" where he states unequivicably that Eroica is his enemy and he wouldn't give him so much as a burnt matchstick. Ten years later, in "Emperor Waltz" the Major publicly admits to being "a friend" of the Earl's.

A couple of panels from Iron Klaus and Emperor Waltz behind cut to spare your browser. )

May 31st, 2008


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By: kohaku_imaki55

Posted: May 31, 2008

Invalid video URL.
Originally posted 5-17-08 on Castle Gloria.

I posted this for Klaus'
Birthday on Castle Gloria. It's being deleted as it should have posted here. Enjoy!

Happy Birthday Klaus

It seems to me he would like this better than anything to do with Eroica, though he does seem to like Dorian a little when he is not being Eroica. Hang in there Dorian!

May 15th, 2008

Happy Birthday Klaus!

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Illustrations by: Yasuko Aoike

By: Norwayblue_eyes

Posted: May 15, 2008

Notes: I'm just in time!
I happened to remember that May.15 is Klaus's official birthday!

(I 'm not really someone swinging from joy to sorrow to worry about small detail
 of characters' personal setting like astrology or blood type though....)

EDIT on 16.May: Aoike left a message on her blog for his birthday and fans' comments.

Yes, It is the Major's birthday (May.15.2008)

Thank you for many birthday message to the Major. He must be delighted with them.
It's been so long since I wrote my blog last time, because I've been working on writing a side story of "Alcázar," but I managed to write this to say a word of appreciation for your warm messages to him.
The Major is really a lucky guy that the readers keep his birthday in memory.
I actually do not know how old he is though.(laugh)

After finishing "Alcázar," new Eroica story is planned.
On personnel reshuffle in AKita publishing Co., Ltd., Mr.Y came back again to Princess magazine. I am going to work on new Eroica series with him.
I'm looking forward to working together with you, Mr.Y.

(The side story of "Alcázar" will be on the July+August issue of  Princess Gold magazine available in June.)

Happy birthday message )

April 25th, 2008

Eroica fans rejoice! Klaus is in a gay song!

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By: meicdon13

Posted: April 25, 2008

Notes: My iPod has 805 songs in it. Sometimes, it takes a few months before I get to hear a song again since I always put it on 'shuffle' when I use it.

Today, a song played while I was commuting to school. The title is Neulich Nacht and it's by the German band Terrorgruppe from the Keiner Hilft Euch album. Basically, it's about a guy who dreamt he was gay, freaked out slightly, then decided he wanted to try becoming gay just to see what it was like.

The thing that really gets me is the fact that at the end of the song, he mentions a guy named Klaus. Along with six other men.

Lyrics under the cut. )

DL links: MegaUpload, Sendspace, Mediafire

April 12th, 2008

Dancing Klaus and Dorian ... and ... Lawrance?!

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By: Norwayblue_eyes

Posted: April 12, 2008

Who the hell made this lovely movie ?!

This is from a Japanese movie website "NIKO NIKO DOUGA DOU"(Japanese only), one of the variations of topic movie "calamelldansen" in Japan.
Unfortunately you need to log in to view it. So I created screen shots.

The story seems like this;
A swedish pop song by "caramell" was remixed for an opening of a PC game last year, and it's posted to YouTube so then became well-known in Japan.
This year, someone created dancing movies using actual anime characters in handwriting-touch style with the same music and posted to the Japanese movie site  and it's broked.
There's even Eroica version!!! Thank you!
The movie is just for 25sec.
( ... Does anyone know more about "caramell" or "caramelldansen"? )

Big screenshots and youtube movies » 

EDIT1: Thanks to [info]tubbsen    for the info, there's English instructions to sign up to "NIKO NIKO DOUGA DO":here.
EDIT2: Thanks to [info]may_onaka  , the movie is now available behind the cut  or  at YouTube here.

YouTube Movie behind the cut )

March 29th, 2008

Dear Major,

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By: mattisune

Posted: March 29, 2008

Notes: Random fact;
That lovely nursery rhyme you sing to put yourself to sleep at night? Its origin is American..Massachusetts to be exact, in a small town called Sterling. In 1830, it was inspired by a real little girl named Mary, who actually DID bring her pet lamb to school one day.

How sweet it is to know that, while you have your belief in mainly German crafted things, it is an American Nursery Rhyme that safely sends you off to dream land at night. So there seems to be at least ONE thing from us 'Yanks' you find appealing. And funny how its an American Nursery Rhyme from a former British Colony ..... wouldn't it be amusing if Dorian were to look up his family tree and possibly find the branch of his family that might have moved to America and had some hand in the creation of this rhyme? (well it would)

March 20th, 2008

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Hello, guys!

I would like to share the scans that may interest Eroica fans; sketches of the Major and Dorian with the author's commentaries.

The book the skcetches taken from is published long ago (in 1982) with color artworks, a whole story "Trafalger" and some of Aoike's sketchs.

There are big scans in the liked pages.
(these posts are under schlosseberbach-memeber locked)

1/3: The arcanum of the Major's body
2/3: The Major on a payday and Dorian with shorter hair
3/3: Tryian and period bad guys

I hope you enjoy it !

EDIT:sinse it doesn't work... I changed the access permission.  I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

March 7th, 2008

Question to you guys ...

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By: chemcat

Posted: March 7, 2008

Notes: Hi there!

I've de-lurked in this community some time ago and now I'm in need for your help.

Under the cut: a question about Major Eberbach  )

February 27th, 2008


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By: Margaret Price

Posted: February 27, 2008

Notes: Found this on a site of "bad" Japanese words. I have no idea as to the accuracy of this, since the writer seems to think that the word "drek" is common in America.

Kono imo! [f/m] = Home boy! Hick!

Literally means, "you potato!" from the fact that potatoes are grown in the country. Therefore, imo nä-chan & imo në-chan are "potato boy" & "potato girl" meaning they are unfashionable, or that their talk is not-so-wiz.]

Potato Klaus. Heh

EDIT: Here is the link to the site. linky linky

Also, Home boy is a mistranslation. It is a term more commonly used by inner city blacks. Home boy or homie. Not even remotely a country bumpkin type.

February 25th, 2008

Introduction and a question!

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By: nekoashi

Posted: February 25, 2008

Notes: 'Lo 'lo everyone! I've been semi-lurking around this community for about two years and finally decided to officially introduce myself. I've been actively following the comings and goings of this community and found that the people in this fandom are really wonderful ^_^ It's been delightful to read everything posted here, and now it's time for a question of my own!
About Klaus and Sister Theresa... )
I started contemplating the idea, and I think this would partly explain why Klaus is so shocked to realise how much older Sister Theresa has gotten during his years of absence. In his memories, she was still relatively young, but she has aged a lot since then. You cannot deny the melancholy we see when Klaus departs from her. I think during his visit his feelings changed, and that afterwards he truly sees her as a motherly figure only. Just try and compare the two Sister Theresas saying “Klaus, you really do like chips, don’t you?” on pages 12 and 53 (the latter ends the side story, and we all know that last sentences are very important in storytelling).
I’m not trying to force a theory on anyone; this is just how the side story came across to me. I’m all for Dorian and Klaus getting together (like that'll ever happen T__T), I’m just saying that everyone has a history and it would be like Klaus to fall in love with someone unattainable like Sister Theresa. I could ramble about my psychological theories for hours but I’ll just say this: Even Iron Klaus is human. Now, I’m interested in what other people thought about it, or if you thought about it at all. If this has already been discussed somewhere then I’m sure someone has phrased better what I’ve been trying to communicate here.
Thanks if you read this far! So, opinions, everyone? ^_^

February 22nd, 2008

Klaus dressed as a woman.

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Illustrations by: Yasuko Aoike

By: Margaret Price

Posted: February 22, 2008

Notes: I know I've been promising these for a long time. They are from part 3 of story 20, Book 30.

foxypope, you'll be interested to know that this story starts out in May of 2002, when Russia entered into a partnership with NATO. From what I can gleen from just flipping through the first part, Klaus is ordered to work with Mischa, the information coming from Polar Bear, who manages to give the dear Major a swift kick in the ass! XD

At some point in this, the Major dons a burka as a disguise.

Three big scans behind cut )

EDIT: More info, thanks to Norwayblue_eyes:

Read more... )

February 20th, 2008

A Question

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By: jade_glow

Posted: February 20, 2008

Notes: It's just a question to see what people think, but: when do you think that Eroica and the Major fell in love?

More behind cut )

January 5th, 2008

Tryian is Aoike's turning point

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Illustrations by: Yasuko Aoike

By: Norwayblue_eyes

Posted: January 5, 2008

Notes: Takarazuka are performing Aoike's El Halcon in Tokyo
from Jan.2nd to Feb.11 2008.

What is often said is that "El Halcon" or "Seven Seas, Seven Skies" was watershed for Aoike Yasuko (the auther of From Eroia with Love).

to even someone who are not really interested in El Halcon,
it would be interesting to read this post as long as you like Eroica or the author Aoike's works.

With this URL of the news about the stage.
You can see some of the stage pictures and Aoike's latest picture here. (Japanese only)

some of Aoike's comment from the above and some images are behind LJ cut )

January 3rd, 2008

Klaus vs his Dad

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Illustrations by: Yasuko Aioke

By: Norwayblue_eyes

Posted: January 3, 2007

Notes: Happy new year 2008!

*I forgot to write this....*
Hi, there, I've been watching this community and this is my first post here.

Thanks mprice and rsadelle for the fictions for the new year's Eve and days in castlegloria --- and some of them include matter of the Eberbachs's hair.
Klaus's singlehood, the relationship with his father including the matter of the Eberbachs' heir ---- it all boils down to the issue of Klaus's sexuality which is still unclear in the latest story.

For your reference, here are some panels from canon.
Let's have a look at how Klaus reacts to his father over the phones.
(Sorry some of the panels aren't good scanned and the translation is not perfect
but it must be good enough to understand stories)

*Remember to read from upper right to down left.
*If you read this in your friends page within a narrow wide column, please go to schlosseberbach to show the whole nearly 700px-wide page of the panels and translations on your browser's window.
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1: from "Glass Target" Vol.7 P.189/CMX

This is the first scene that reveals the relationship between Klaus and his dad.
He changes his attitude the moment he realized it is his father.

1.speak to Dad

1.speak to Dad2
2A : from "The boys' Gold" Vol.31 P.114/Princess Comics/Akita-Shoten
Klaus got a call from his father a while after the butler had left to his hometown for Christmas (in 2005).
His father made sort of indirect sercastical comments about Klaus's still being single.
2.Klaus speaks to Dad, on Vol31
From the the top:
Klaus: Ah, Why, it's father?!
I am just leaving for business.
( Note: he's lying)

Father: Is the butler there?

Klaus: He's left to his hometown for his grand mother's 100th birthday.

Father: What're you talking about?
His parents and grand parents are in their graves, and
an elder brother is the only relative left.

Klaus: Oh, are they?

How many decades have you been taken into care by him being so unconcerned, bloodless clod!

He talks no that much about himself.

Father: Don't make excuse!
You are so heartless that you can't get married!

Klaus: ( There you go again.)

Klaus: I wonder why he has to be mendacious to return his home.

Do you happen to know something about that, Sir?


I suppose it would be his marriage talks.

It must've been difficult for him to tell that such an issue to his master who's still single at his age.

Sorry for him, he's got so much carking cares.

Klaus: ( You persistant old coot.)

....Continued to the next panel 2B.

2B : from "The boys' Gold" Vol.31 P.114/Princess Comics/Akita-Shoten
-----Continued from the 2A above.
2.Klaus speaks to Dad, on Vol31
From the upper right - hand;

Klaus: If that's ture, I'd be happy to bless him.

Father: Don't gloss over, You are behind an old man in that!

Klaus: ...Don't be so confident of your own conjecture.

Father: Who are you talking like friends to, clod!!

Klaus: Sorry, Sir.

*Knock* Knock*

Klaus: Oh, my men showed up to pick me up now.
We'll be talking about it later.

Tell him I called.

Klaus: Yes, I will.
Then Merry Christmas, Sir.

Father: Good.

(throwing the handset)

Klaus : He is so spiteful an old goat!
Why don't you write his memories forever in Switzerland!

3 : from "Good visitors in the holy night" in Dec. issue of monthly Princess Magazine /Akita shoten
Klaus got a phone call from his father at chirch with Dorian in London.
3.Klaus speaks to Dad, on Vol31


3.Klaus speaks to Dad, on Vol31

3.Klaus remembering his boyfood with his father
From the upper right -hand;
Dorian: It's a call for you.

Klaus: I know that!

Klaus: Ah----, why, is it father?!

I am so sorry that I am not able to have you in Bonn, I'm on business now.
( Note: he's lying)

I... am attending a church service right now.


on the 3b panel;

Father: Klaus, I don't have any grandchild yet.

All of your cousins are now settled, having family, becoming good parents.

Klaus: (Here you go again--!)

Klaus: I'm afraid I'm lost among the singing voice of the hymn, Sir!

Father: Then I'll speak that out again.

Klaus: You don't need to,
I'm going to hear you out next time, Sir!

Take care not to catch a cold over there.

Father: I'm not so old that you care about.

Klaus : Excuse me, Sir!

Father: Keep the faith, striving to better yourself with responsibility as
a member of society.
Merry Christmas, son.

Klaus : Merry Christmas, Father.


Klaus : Phew..(big sigh)

4: from "Good visitors in the holy night" in Dec.07 issue of monthly Princess/Akita shoten
Klaus is remembering his boyfood looking at people going to eveing Mass in London.
(this sence happens before the 3 panel above.)
3.Klaus remembering his boyfood with his father
From the the top:

(looking at people going Mass)

The locals are going to the evening Mass.

My old man and the butler were used to take me to the chirch in Bonn when I was kid.


(once holding, and throwing the cell phone)

Klaus: Nah. I'd certainly get offended.

As far as looking at canon, it looks like the later the stories go, the more Klaus became
softened to his father ( hmm, he got old?) .

In the earlier story (Glass Target), It is more like he feels really annoyed,with not a good feeling.
And in the later it is more like he feels the strain, can't oppose to dad.

And at least to me, it looks like he is not necessarily uninterested in marriage.
If he intends not to get married, he can take a clearer stance to his father.
(I love his upset face on the right of the first 3b panel thogh!)

...What do you think?

December 21st, 2007

Who is the real Major?

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By: Margaret price

Posted: December 21, 2007

Notes: We are all aware of the fact that Dorian and his immediate following are modeled after Led Zeppelin. The question then arises...Who is the Major modeled after? Whenever the author is asked, she says herself and men in the military whom she has always admired. Hmmm...Aoike-san has dark hair, smokes, is Catholic...

Wait...the Major is a Mary-Sue!

After he's introduced, the established love interest is thrust into the background and then vanishes. (Thank God!) The Major is drop-dead handsome, is descended from nobility, has an unusual eye color, is THE best intelligence officer in NATO, has a cool code name, has an unusual last name, (As our German members will attest. I mean...von dem?), can fire a Magnum one-handed, he breaks all the rules, including having unusually long hair for a military officer. In other words, he's PERFECT!

Well, maybe not quite perfect, but Dorian thinks so. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

Any thoughts?

December 12th, 2007

Flederklaus sighting!

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By: Margaret Price

Posted: December 12, 2007


It's a clever disguise.

Tags: ,

November 4th, 2007

Making-of Eroica

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By: Caithion

Posted: November 4, 2007

Notes: I feel bad for posting so much non-Eroica stuff lately. So here's a couple of scans from the making-of book that Aoike published a couple of years ago. (Oh my god, has it been so long? Moselle Green, I promise, I will get back to translating.)

storyboards.... )

May 6th, 2007

Eberbach brochures

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By: esda

Posted: May 6, 2007

Notes: I totally forgot that some of the people over here might perhaps like to see these, too.

So, here are the high resolution scans [meaning: large, but not necessarily good images *lol*] of the two Eberbach brochures with Klaus. (I don't know if there are more than these two brochures, but these are the only ones I've got.)

The older (green) brochure:
These are only scans of a photocopy (!) since there was only one original of the brochures left.

The newer (green - blue - orange) brochure:
Since both of the brochures are larger than DinA 4 (which is the size of my scanner) I had to do two scans of each side and combine them in Photoshop. You can see that very clearly at the "inside" scan from the newer brochure. I'm just not very good with Photoshop, sorry! :(

[And for the people who are interested in firefly1311's and my trip to Eberbach and the surrounding area: Here are lots of photos! :D]</p>

March 19th, 2007

portable avatar maker

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By: katatsumuli

Posted: March 19, 2007

Notes: Hello again, as I temporarily delurk. I love avatar makers. I will play with all of them for hours, usually trying a few of my favorite characters as tests to how well it can replicate them. So far, (which makes Gaia Online sprites) has been pretty good - they have an extensive amount of clothing but little facial and weapon variety, and no backgrounds. They have perfect hair for Klaus and for Dorian, which gives them bonus points.
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