March 14th, 2020



Journal: Lisa

To All Shop Owners:

Carina Construction Co. is offering to modify any existing or under contract shops in Wandermere and Magic Rock to include a room for a daycare for employees. All modifications will be done at cost. Please contact us to make the arrangements.

All new buildings that are not under contract will include a day care. The spaces will be proportional to the size of the establishment and the number of potential employees.

We hope that this will enable people to work while raising children.

Warded to Lucas

Hey darling, how is it going? Have you seen Tom? Are you going to the funeral?



RP: Harry & Draco

Who: Harry & Draco
When: 14th March
Where: Malfoy Manor
What: What The Fuck is going on

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RP: Emil/Everett

Who: Emil/Everett
When: 14th March
Where: Sirens Cove
What: They talk

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Warded to Tom

Hey, how are you doing with everything?

As a query, am I supposed to be with you tomorrow? I had sort of assumed your family probably wouldn't appreciate it, with it being a difficult day and all.

Let me know if there's anything you need.



RP: Blaise/Pansy

Who: Blaise/Pansy
When: 14th March
Where: Sirens Cove
What: Blaise gets to annoy Pansy a bit

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