January 19th, 2020



Daily Prophet - Sunday Edition

Daily Prophet )



RP: Jamie/Julien/Regulus

Who: Julien/Regulus with some Jamie
When: 19th January
Where: Marauders Cottage
What: Julien goes to talk to Regulus

What's one more! )



Re: Warded to Time Travellers He Knows

I've received a message from Zabini. He's looking for a more professional head of security for Wonderland, one who could deal with serial killers and Dark Wizards.

I thought I'd reach out and find out if anyone is interested.



RP: Teddy & Delphine

Who: Teddy & Delphi
When: 19th January 2031
Where: Marauder Cottage
What: Something's wrong

Your dad is who?! )