November 5th, 2019



RP: Padma and Draco

Who: Padma Patil and Draco Malfoy
When: Tuesday, 05 November, 2030 - noon-ish
Where: Ministry of Magic
What: Old classmates run into each other.

Strength lies in differences, not in similarities. -- Stephen R. Covey )



Wedding Invitations

Who: Everyone (see tags)
When: 5th November
Where: their homes
What: Invitations to the wedding were delivered by owl.

Wedding Invitations )



RP: Sirius & Remus

Who: Sirius & Remus
When: 5th November, daytime
Where: Al's house
What: Friends catching up

Read more... )



Warded to Julien

Dear Mr. Zabini Julien,

It was nice meeting you on Halloween.

I'm told United has the best chance of the three British teams to win the Champions, therefore I hope you play a great game and achieve a considerable win.

Kind regards,



Warded to Everett

Darling, do you think you could make time for me in your schedule? I seem to have been invited to a wedding that will probably end up being the social event of the season, and I simply cannot wear anything I've worn before. You know how it is.