September 29th, 2019



Warded to Family

For those who don't know game went from 11am to 1am, we got a break to sleep and I'm off to finish it. Once that snitch is caught, I'm going home. Have fun without me.



Daily Prophet Journal

Good Sunday to all. For those wondering what to do on this drizzly and cloudy day, check out today's edition of the Daily Prophet. We have an exclusive about our dear friend James Sirius Potter and his new beau (or is it boo?). James, or as we like to call him 'Jamie', is keeping this one secret, but rumour has it that the beau has been staying with him. Could it be real love for our Most Wanted Bachelor?



RP: Regulus/Remus

Who: Regulus/Remus
When: morning 29th September
Where: Malfoy Manor
What: They do research an talk

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RP: Dom & OPEN

Who: Dom & Open
When: Afternoon, 29th September
Where: Hogsmeade
What: Dom's home

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