April 9th, 2008

[info]thescarletwoman in [info]scarletdreams

[FIC] Remus/Sirius -- Christening (NC-17)

Title: Christening
Author: [info]thescarletwoman
Pairing: Sirius/Remus
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Masturbation, Rimming
Word Count: ~3,600
Summary: Sirius and Remus are moving into their new flat. Sirius, however, has no idea how to pack.
Author Notes: It was when cleaning off my hard drive, I realised I never posted this. It was written after the first Strikethrough, my wanting to give fandom more porn. Well, as I say, better late than never. Added to since then, I thought it'd be a wonderful thank you gift to my wonderful flist in thanks for your support during a really, really rough start to the year. ♥ this one's for you guys. And thanks, as always, to my wonderful beta [info]rose_whispers

It's a tradition, you see )