Jan. 15th, 2008


[FIC] Sirius/Regulus -- Of Lockers and Points (R)

Title: Of Lockers and Points
Author: [info]thescarletwoman
Pairing: Sirius/Regulus
Rating: R
Summary: After the last Quidditch match of the season, Regulus catches up to Sirius in the lockers and apologises for the Slytherin win.
Disclaimer: JRK owns them both, I'm simply borrowing them for a while.
Warnings: Incest
Author Notes: The last of my long belated fics that had to be posted. But now that I have a computer back, expect more ficcage from me. XD Thanks oh so much to [info]starrysummer for her awesome (and super fast too) beta job, even if I'm a t00b and didn't post these for forever and a day. ><
Originally Posted: August 2005

Ten. Ten bloody points... )