Jan. 16th, 2008


[FIC] Remus/James -- Seek and Ye Shall Find (R)

Title: Seek and Ye Shall Find
Rating: Hard R
Pairing: Remus/James
Kink(s): Semi-Public Sex
Challenge: Lusty Month of May Marathon, day five
Words: 937
Notes: Repost of the LMoMM fic - day five
Originally Posted: May 2005

It wasn't like Remus to miss a date. )


[FIC] Remus/James -- Learning the Ropes (NC-17)

Title: Learning the Ropes
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/James
Kink(s): sex in the shower
Challenge: Lusty Month of May Marathon, day eight
Words: 1373
Notes: Repost of the LMoMM fic - day eight
Originally Posted: May 2005

The news that James was Head Boy... )