Daily Scans
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
01:03 pm [neuhallidae]
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The Halls of Fate, Part Four In our last chapter, Hector was subjected to bodysnatching, psychic intervention, ancient wizard dickery, and finally found a long lost someone. In this chapter, we get two reunions, a fight, and a lot of history hopscotching between DC and Vertigo. Twenty-five pages from six issues, spread out over JSA, Infinity Inc., and Sandman.
Also features the second-creepiest panel of Hector ever.
Tags: char: brainwave/henry king jr., char: dream of the endless, char: flash/jay garrick, char: fury/lyta trevor-hall, char: green lantern/alan scott, char: hawkgirl/kendra saunders, char: nuklon/atom smasher/al rothstein, char: silver scarab/dr. fate/hector hall, char: stargirl/courtney whitmore, creator: chris bachalo, creator: geoff johns, creator: jerry ordway, creator: michael zulli, creator: neil gaiman, creator: roy thomas, creator: vince argondezzi, group: infinity inc., group: justice society of america, publisher: dc comics, series: halls of fate, title: infinity inc., title: justice society of america, title: sandman
05:56 am [xdoop]
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The Essential Mr. Bones, Part 3
 This is the third part of my "Essential Mr. Bones" series. For the previous parts, click here.
Tags: char: arak, char: baby boom, char: brainwave/henry king jr., char: dr. love, char: dr. midnight/beth chapel, char: fury/lyta trevor-hall, char: jade/jennifer-lynn hayden, char: kritter, char: mr. bones, char: nuklon/atom smasher/al rothstein, char: obsidian/todd rice, char: penny dreadful, char: psycho-pirate/roger hayden, char: skyman/sylvester pemberton, char: tao jones, char: wildcat/yolanda montez, creator: dann thomas, creator: martin king, creator: roy thomas, creator: todd mcfarlane, creator: vince argondezzi, group: helix, group: infinity inc., publisher: dc comics, series: essential mr. bones, title: infinity inc.