Daily Scans
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Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
05:56 am [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353887/376622) [Link] |
The Essential Mr. Bones, Part 3
 This is the third part of my "Essential Mr. Bones" series. For the previous parts, click here.
Tags: char: arak, char: baby boom, char: brainwave/henry king jr., char: dr. love, char: dr. midnight/beth chapel, char: fury/lyta trevor-hall, char: jade/jennifer-lynn hayden, char: kritter, char: mr. bones, char: nuklon/atom smasher/al rothstein, char: obsidian/todd rice, char: penny dreadful, char: psycho-pirate/roger hayden, char: skyman/sylvester pemberton, char: tao jones, char: wildcat/yolanda montez, creator: dann thomas, creator: martin king, creator: roy thomas, creator: todd mcfarlane, creator: vince argondezzi, group: helix, group: infinity inc., publisher: dc comics, series: essential mr. bones, title: infinity inc.
07:00 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353880/376622) [Link] |
The Essential Mr. Bones, Part 2
 This is the second part of my "Essential Mr. Bones" series. For Part 1, click here.
Tags: char: arak, char: baby boom, char: brainwave/henry king jr., char: dr. love, char: dr. midnight/beth chapel, char: fury/lyta trevor-hall, char: hawkgirl/shiera sanders, char: hawkman/carter hall, char: jade/jennifer-lynn hayden, char: kritter, char: mr. bones, char: northwind/norda cantrell, char: nuklon/atom smasher/al rothstein, char: obsidian/todd rice, char: penny dreadful, char: silver scarab/dr. fate/hector hall, char: skyman/sylvester pemberton, char: tao jones, char: wildcat/yolanda montez, creator: dann thomas, creator: denys cowan, creator: mike clark, creator: roy thomas, creator: todd mcfarlane, event: crisis on infinite earths, group: helix, group: infinity inc., publisher: dc comics, series: essential mr. bones, title: infinity inc.
11:00 am [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353875/376622) [Link] |
The Essential Mr. Bones, Part 1
 In several parts I will be posting the original appearances of Mr. Bones from the Infinity, Inc. title.
Tags: char: arak, char: baby boom, char: dr. love, char: fury/lyta trevor-hall, char: jade/jennifer-lynn hayden, char: kritter, char: mr. bones, char: northwind/norda cantrell, char: nuklon/atom smasher/al rothstein, char: penny dreadful, char: silver scarab/dr. fate/hector hall, char: skyman/sylvester pemberton, char: tao jones, creator: dann thomas, creator: roy thomas, creator: todd mcfarlane, group: helix, group: infinity inc., publisher: dc comics, series: essential mr. bones, title: infinity inc.
10:36 pm [seawolf10]
[Link] |
JSA #27 So, it looks like Jerry Ordway's going to be doing at least one JSA arc (writing and art both, possibly -- definitely for this first issue) before Willingham takes over.
The mere beginnings of the plot that we see in this issue still appear to be of much higher quality than what Geoff Johns produced in his final throes on the title.
I'm just going to post the first 4 pages, because the rest are so intertwined that cherry-picking anything from them would require tons of explanation that I don't have time to write up.
( Atom Smasher talks about his personal history over drinks with someone I bet most of you won't expect... )
Tags: char: bo "bibbo" bibbowski, char: cyclone/maxine hunkel, char: mr. bones, char: nuklon/atom smasher/al rothstein, char: stargirl/courtney whitmore, creator: jerry ordway, group: infinity inc., publisher: dc comics, title: justice society of america