March 2015



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Mar. 11th, 2015


Who: Violet, Vox, and Magnus
What: The final confrontation for Vox’s freedom.
Where: Magnus Labs
When: Wednesday March 11th
Warnings: Character deaths
Status: Complete
For Optimal Crying Conditions: Bastille: Oblivion

Ah, Icarus, who flew too high. Did you not see that I was the sun? )

Feb. 5th, 2015


Magnus Laboratories TechXpo 2015

What: Magnus Laboratories Tech Expo 2015
When: February 5th (Additional Info on Times/Events: Here
Where: Old Utopia Conference Center
Warnings: Be prepared for anything
Status: Open/Ongoing

Lock it, fill it, call it, find it,
View it, code it, jam - unlock it,
Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch - update it,
Name it, rate it, tune it, print it,
Scan it, send it, fax - rename it,
Touch it, bring it, pay it, watch it,

Technologic - One More Time! )

Jan. 28th, 2015


Who: Dr. David Magnus
What: The impossible happened.
When: Jan 27, after the news had broken.
Where: Magnus Labs Facility, outside of NW
Warnings: Language, man-rage

War is coming. War is crying out. The world is shaking. The sky is falling down - the sky is falling down )

A statement released by the Magnus Labs Public Relations Department in response to the deaths of FCF Member Arkin Ford and NWPD Officer Castillo reads simply: "We stand with New Waverly in mourning the loss of one of the city's dedicated police officers and extend our condolences to the victim's family and friends. Our company continues to stand by our association with the First Class Fighters in confidence that the organization still proves overall to be a successful program for the rehabilitation of superhuman criminals."

An official press conference the next day continues to spout the same and similar lines. Dr. Magnus appears strained and remorseful on screen as he gracefully delivers messages of reassurance to the city as befitting an upstanding community leader of his caliber.

Jan. 20th, 2015


Who: Dr. Magnus, Violet, and Adalina
What: A business dinner. Sharks smelling blood in the water. The usual.
When: Wednesday, January 21, evening
Where: Di Napoli, restaurant in St. Genevieve
Warnings: TBD
Status: Ongoing
making concessions here, underhanded backstabbing there )

Dec. 27th, 2014


Who: David Magnus, Frank Alvarez [Open to FCF people!]
What: Magnus brings gadgets and gizmos aplenty for the folks at FCF.
When: forward-dated Monday, December 29, afternoon
Where: FCF HQ
Warnings: Hopefully gut-busting inappropriate humor at Magnus' expense.
Status: Ongoing

Twenty ulterior motives before breakfast )

Nov. 9th, 2014


Who: Vox, Father, and an npc.
What: Vox takes repairs into his own hands
When: Nov.10/night
Where: A medical school
Warnings: blood, gore, violence, near death experience
Status: complete

I didn't know I was broken 'til I wanted to change. I wanna get better. )

Oct. 31st, 2014


3rd Annual Halloween Fest by S&S

This is the group party post for the Halloween Fest put on by Stars and Stripes.

In the wise words of our party master modvic:
"It's located in the Central Park of downtown - going off of a New York kind of vibe for this one - and thousands of people attend it. It has live bands, games, bars and buffets, plenty of room to mingle and dance, and, of course, candy everywhere you look"

It's 18+ but no one can reinforce an age restriction at an event like this so all ages can get in with a little creativity and can probably get alcohol too...but why bother with so much CANDY around?

Party begins at nightfall, which is 6 PM. This thread begins at that time. 6pm. That's when this starts in character, but you can all start writing now. Follow the same group format as seen in all the other group posts (an example for new people, here

and a list of everyone who is attending and their costumes, here. You can still add to that post or you can just say in your posts here what your person is wearing, I recommend even if you said it in the ooc post you REITERATE in a sentence of your intro posts here so people can easily refer to what they're seeing.

Read more... )

Oct. 18th, 2014


Who: Dr. David Magnus and Arkin Ford
What: Holding a discussion about the future.
When: Friday, October 17, afternoon
Where: The restaurant where the two first met.
Warnings: TBD
Status: Ongoing

Movers shakers and producers. Me and my friends understand the future. I see the strings that control the systems. I can do anything with no resistance 'cause )

Oct. 4th, 2014


Who: Dr. David Magnus, Vox, and Violet
What: The twins return to the Facility. But something is very different.
When: Saturday, October 4th. Morning.
Where: Magnus' private facility on the outskirts of the city
Warnings: tbd

Human, behave yourself, you have burst at the seams. Let it all fall out, open your mouth. Often I lie wide awake, think of things I can make, but I don't seem to have the parts to build them. )

Sep. 15th, 2014


Who: Leo Shelton (Citizen Steel) and David Magnus (Father)
What: The inventor takes shelter from the storm and meets a rival
When: (BACKDATED) 5 pm, Tuesday. 9/9
Where: William Howe Hotel, Wight, Old Utopia
Warnings: None Yet
Status: Active

I headed west, I was a man on the move. New York it lied to me, I needed the truth. I need somebody, I needed someone I could trust. )