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Mar. 23rd, 2015


Hey, everybody! Unfortunately due to various reasons what was once a character cut on my end has become the decision for departure. I know it's very sudden, especially when I just put up the parade post, but I realized I just can't delay this any longer. I'm really sorry. It was truly a pleasure getting to write with all of you and I seriously had a wonderful time. Each of you and your characters are frigging AMAZING. Thank you for letting me be a part of it and my best to all of you. All my love to MJ for running a pretty fantastic game and leading us on some epic adventures. It was some of the best times in writing that I ever had and I owe that to you. It's been a great eleven months.

What the future holds for the kiddos )

Mar. 14th, 2015



Read more... )

Mar. 12th, 2015


Hey guys! I was thinking to help keep things happy, about there being an annual Supers Pride Parade on Saturday the 21st. I figured better for the following weekend than this weekend so as to not take away from St. Patrick's Day and Pour Judgement's activity. :) I think we've been veering a lot towards the city being inhospitable to supers and that it's very difficult for characters to use their powers or be proud of them at all. That's not the whole truth, though, and what's the point of having a supers game if you can't be super and proud?

The parade will of course be dealing with typical hate threats, but I figured there are enough powered people and security around that anybody trying something wouldn't get very far. It's a huge extravaganza of an event, good for both supers and super-supporters, either to walk in it or just go see it. I figured it may not be just a bad general event log that I can put up so that characters of all sorts have opportunities to see each other or for there to be chance encounters. Help us get mingling a bit. What do you guys think?

Mar. 10th, 2015



BREAKING PLOT: Alice has been missing for a week. It's incredibly unlike her to go this long without contact. Some people may know what ice cream shop she works parttime at but she hasn't been showing up for work. No one knows where she lives, her real name, or where to find her. She's always reliably found them.

Mar. 7th, 2015


Hello all of you beautiful peeps!

This is Joan and I'm capitalizing on my brief break between classes and testing to bring you one Hailey Elizabeth Brennan (age 21, human) whose last name you might be familiar with especially with all those Fiddy texts flying around, I'M WATCHING YOU TWO ;]

Long story short, she grew up most of her in NW as the second child of parents who hated being parents. Not to say they were evil or even horrible people, but child rearing? HA. But despite her circumstances Hailey grew up rather well under the doting attention and over protective brotherly affection of her older sibling Finn. At least until he left the house to join the police academy when she was 12, which basically stripped whatever wool was left over her eyes about how her family really was. So she got a little wild, a lot artistic, and did what any teenage girl wanting more for herself does best; she dreamed big. Basically she didn't need people who didn't need her, plus she was an artist so by default she had a passion to share that could ultimately change the world.

Sounds a bit naive,right? Well after the death of her parents, dropping out of community college, and running away to Cali to live off her passion for art, Hailey got the memo. Six months away from home at the sweet age of 19, Hailey had hit rock bottom until luck brought her to Paris to be a model of all things for about six months before discarding one form of art for the other; photography. But while Europe was wonderful, even at its low moments a la fuck you Pierre, Hailey knew she had to come back to make things right with Finny.

So after 2 years away Hailey has just stepped off her flight home (literally like today) and is in hot pursuit of some digs. Also she'll soon be that new hot bartender you will all love to tip generously at the Pour Judgement so there will obviously be some fun times there. If you have any thoughts about possible back stories or future lines I'd be open to all of it. All in all though I'm just happy to introduce my girl to you.

Write with you soon!
♥ Joan

Mar. 6th, 2015


hey everyone! ugh sorry for spontaneously disappearing i haven't had a lot of time for myself lately i think the sequence of events was that i was really really sick, then midterms, then i went home for winter break, then i had more midterms. AND EVEN THOUGH I AM WRITING MY THESIS AND TERM PAPERS AND I STILL HAVE TWO MORE MIDTERMS BEFORE FINALS I REALLY NEED TO KICK MY OWN ASS INTO GEAR.

so to handwave what ian has been up to, basically he's been doing school clubs and focussing on school and not letting senior slide happen to him. he's not naturally a supergenius or anything so he actually kind of has to work for his grades. he's probably been spending time with his family especially after valentines day. on vday basically he got really possessive of teddy who became super afraid of him? and they ended up locked up together. (CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG JO!)

so is anyone up for writing mini-logs/logs with me & ian? mini-logs > logs because they're easier and quicker for me right now but i'll take anything at this point!

Feb. 22nd, 2015


SO, back early from my mini hiatus but also going to be doing orientation at work at nine AM starting after Monday, and I assume getting off after eight hours, so that'll be a wee bit slowness on my end and so remaining on a slow-iatus if that's good. I still want alll the things, since those aren't my legitimate hours just for orientation.

Particularly for Shima and Belle. They just want to hang with buddies.

Feb. 21st, 2015


SLOWATUS & Plotting

Sup fools! I'll be out of town until Wednesday, but will have my phone and my crippling internet addiction with me. So if you need me, just ping me at kokolsch@gmail! ♥

For when I have a spare moment or for when I get back (whichever comes first), I have an idea for a log that I hope will get Adalina interacting with someone she wouldn't normally. >:3 Whenever I do get a chance to put it up, please know that if I put "OPEN" on a log, I really do mean it, and I always always always welcome (and want) ANYONE to join. ♥


Feb. 20th, 2015


Hey guys, let me just be really quick here so I don't spam the board, but I just wanted to apologize for my absence and for making people wait and for being generally unresponsive over the last few weeks. I don't have any good excuses except that life is busy/stressful - even being stuck in the middle of east coast snowstorms. I plan to get my act together over the weekend.

I'm also going to take this moment to say that I'm dropping my character Roxana, as she follows Adiós and goes off on other mysterious villainous business. Hope NKN will get a nicer sports coach now. xD Plans also to drop another soon, but there will be reasons.

So yes, that's it for now. I'm sorry again. Thank you, and don't forget to be awesome, everyone. ♥
- Mary (Magnus, Caleigh, Julian, Siobhan)

Feb. 19th, 2015


I have news
music of the hour is young rising sons )

Feb. 18th, 2015


Hey guys. ):

I got unexpectedly under-weathered again over the weekend so I completely missed the V-Day event. Go me. But in light of constant things-going-wrong-ness in my life at the moment, playing 8 characters is just too much. Kiona and Adiós are both leaving. Kiona, embarrassed by the event, thinks it's a better and safer community back in Flagstaff. She remains in contact with Siobhan and Nico, but pretty much remains a west coaster for the rest of her life. Adiós also goes west, but to Los Angeles, since most of her assassinations have been international and there are others already in New Waverly. She produces a couple more award-winning, chart-topping albums before the cruel game of espionage gets her dead in her early thirties.

There are a couple others I may drop before the month is through but for now those two are the ones taking their leave.

Tonight I'll be jumping back in! I hear we've got new players/characters? Yay. :3 So I'll catch up on all things and have my others post stuff mostly post-holiday. Thank you guys for all being wonderful people. Love y'all lots. <3

- Vic

Feb. 16th, 2015


Intros are hard.

Man, I am the absolute worst at these, so please bear with me. My name is Jess, and this is my first ij game in like, at least a year - I sorta kinda gave up on the site in general, but [info]ljshelton roped me back in, and here I am.

My character is a woman in her late twenties named Lark Kelley. Her superpower deals with creating solid light objects - energy constructs, whatever you want to call them - though she's somewhat limited in the application of her abilities. She's a smart cookie with her masters in chemical engineering, and she'll be working with (and kind of against) the Pharos Group for the time being. Her application is right here, but if you have any questions about it/Lark in general, don't hesitate to let me know.

With all that out of the way, I'm excited to get started. Can't wait to write with everyone and get caught up in the storyline.

Feb. 12th, 2015


was gonna wait till midnight, but EXCITED, SO SUE ME


[Put up a day ahead to allow more plotting time! PS, will respond more to meme tomorrow~!]

Poor Kiona has the shock of her life when she gets mugged on her way to work on Valentine's Day. She's okay, but those latent pheromone powers of hers just switched on! Though she's ultimately only a level 200 superhuman, imagine her powers arriving like some spring awakening. Pheromones are in the air everywhere. For twelve hours (12 noon to 12 midnight on the 14th), characters can find themselves unknowingly influenced by the changes in the wind - or worse, if you've bought flowers from her shop on that day. Character reactions can range from mild to intense, or if you prefer, they don't have to experience anything at all. It isn't mind control, though. Even if they're not sure what's causing things or why, they still have their own willpower and can combat it if they so choose - to various extents of success or failure.

This plot is intended to be crazy, hilarious, a bit mortifying, and good-spirited. Character reactions can affect anything. For example, your character might be territorial of all cats. Or paranoid of cab drivers. Or fall head over heels for another person, object, or character. There can even be blends of reactions (paranoia and fear, love and aggression, desire and territoriality). Down below are the descriptions. Stew has been volunteered for our lovely example.
1. Romantic Love: You are in love with Stew. Wedding bells, children, a dog, and a yard with a white picket fence. Stew is your soulmate.
2. Desire: Stew is the awesomest person you have ever met in your entire life. You hang onto Stew's every word. You want to be like him, want to spend all the time with him, aspire to see the world through Stew's eyes.
3. Sexual Desire: [This is NOT a permissible option for NKN students | Rape NOT allowed]. You want nothing more than to get into Stew's pants. Or skirt. Stew is flexible.
5. Paranoia: Stew is trying to kill you. Stew wants to take your stuff and your loved ones away from you. Somebody call the cops on Stew.
6. Aggression/Fight: It's pretty much exactly what it says. Let's just hope Stew has coverage.
7. Fear/Flight: Also self-explanatory. The very essence of Stew makes you want to curl up in a ball and hide for the rest of your life. Lots of screaming and running away.


Feb. 11th, 2015


The Group Aesthetic

A song that reminds me of ALL OF YOU!

Dedicated to my STD lovelies ♥

I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason...


Hello plz i am back, i love you all, do not mind me as i very belatedly catch up on tags and rub myself inappropriately all over the delightful meme. and dont mind me again i'm just flooding the ooc board with random unnecessary goo, i just wanted to say i am very sorry for the not getting to tags part like i said i would. i suck. but i just also wanted to announce that i am having very many health problems right now (that are not the stuffy nose) so i may be disappearing on the regular and may possibly have to drop characters in the near future. though any discussions of that will first be run by the mod. i just...yeah. i apologize in advance. <3 poof.


Meme Time

Yep, here have another meme. This time it's very free flowing. Post your characters below and people will respond with images, quotes, or songs that remind them of your character. It can be ANYTHING. Something the character would like, something that describes them, something that captures their essence.

Bonus points if you explain to the person why you picked what you picked but sometimes we don't know, we just feel it and that's okay too.

This is a pre-cursor little blip of fun to the Valentine's Day plot which will be fun and uplifting (hopefully) to help destroy the growing assumption that all holidays in New Waverly are cursed. This meme is a great way to really start thinking about other people's characters in a more in depth way!

Naturally this meme will be image heavy so people beware in opening it once it gets going if that's not your kind of thing... and HAVE FUN!

(Also I changed all the comm layouts again, they were a mess, they're better now)

Feb. 6th, 2015



So I made an extra space for any of us who plotted in this post HERE to thread out interactions in game HERE. It is completely optional and solely for your enjoyment.

Teddy and I would also like to thank you all whole-heartedly for your participation in this random, haphazardous, and totally kickass event.


Love you all and goodnight!

♥ Joan

Feb. 5th, 2015


Will be on total hiatus through to Monday. If y'all need me, please email! I will stay on log tags though – I have 12 of those dudes (like a boss) and I won't let y'all down, I'm enjoying every last one of them. :) But me I just need to take a break and reevaluate things. ♥


Ask and ye shall receive

This is a plotting post for VILLAINS ONLY which means anyone who plays a villain including a dastardly gang member can come here and plot out things they want to do with the future of their group/character/gang. It may contain graphic material and should be entered with caution, hence the big yellow warning.

Feb. 4th, 2015


Plot With Me 2

A lot has happened in the last week or two! In light of that I thought it was the best time for another "PWM" post to get everyone on track with their own personal plots/characters and tying into the bigger picture.

In the comments of this post you can paste and fill out the form below with your characters you'd like to use more or need different plots for. This will help us get the ball rolling again and help get some of the new characters and players in the thick of it!

Powers & Tier:
Age/group association/occupation:
Important existing connections/plots:
Things/plots this character needs:

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