March 15th, 2015

[info]allsystemsgo in [info]savingthegames

Who: Siobhan and Sam
What: It may not be happily ever after, but it’s definitely the start.
Where: Siobhan’s townhome
When: Sunday, March 15th. Afternoon.
Warnings: It's buttercream
Status: Complete

I fell through the cracks at the end of our street. Let's go to the beach, get the sand through our feet. )

[info]mutedsignals in [info]savingthegames

Who: OPEN!
When: March 17th, evening
Where: 9th Street Pub Crawl -- Pour Judgement (if elsewhere, please specify!)
Warnings: None yet
Status: Ongoing

She says I'm okay; I'm alright, Though you have gone from my life You said that it would, Now everything should be all right )

((OOC: Putting it up early so we can get some threads going if people are interested, or even so people can just summarize what their characters do during the night. You don't have to come to PJ's necessarily! I assume all of the Rails is decked out and hilarious, and of course there are people who have to work the next day and so forth.))