Jan. 26th, 2010


Filtered to Willow Rosenberg )

Filtered to Wesley Wyndam-Pryce )

Jan. 15th, 2010


Filtered to Wesley Wyndam-Pryce )

Jan. 14th, 2010


It really would figure that one of the worst snowfalls New York has seen in a few years has to happen now. I am suddenly reminded just how much nicer the weather in California is when compared to the bulk of the east coast.

Dec. 30th, 2009


Y'know, when the soldiers said that we were coming to New York, it would've been nice if they'd given us all coats before kicking us out here on our keisters. This place is freezing and, as a gal who spent a few years in Scotland winters, I know cold.

Don't get me wrong. The whole no zombie thing sorta makes up for the chattering teeth and potential hypothermia, I reckon, but it's still just bad hospitality that neither the military or the government folks who did the whole job assignment thing bothered to mention "Hey, might wanna grab a coat while you're giving us your blood type, life story, and promising us your firstborn too!" Or maybe that's just me, being a little bit cranky, on account of the long flight and the cold weather and why do they bus us all the way to the Welcome Center then expect us to find our way to our apartments anyway? This city is big and the map is little and... I'll stop now. Sorry.

I'm Willow, for anybody still reading. It's nice to be here despite all my statements to the contrary.

Dec. 24th, 2009


This place is filled with fear.

But it's better in here than out there, right? Great to be around people again!

Just great.

Dec. 14th, 2009


Filtered to Wes )

Filtered to Dean and Castiel )

Nov. 28th, 2009


I am uncertain how I feel about being alive here. But it's better than hell out there, I suppose.

I'm terrible at this. Cordelia? You're alive here as well? This says I'll be working with you on something called a Zombie Squad.

I'm not sure that I'd rather be here. I'd rather it all just be over.