Jan. 20th, 2010


Filtered to Peter Petrelli )

Filtered to Noah Bennet )

Filtered to Matt Parkman )

[ooc: takes place an hour or so after this]

Jan. 12th, 2010


filtered to Bennet )

Jan. 11th, 2010


I don't understand why the school here wants me to learn another language. I already know two and most of the teachers only know one. And if I do have to learn a language, why can't I at least pick one that I want to learn?

Filtered to Mohinder )

Filtered to Matt )

EDIT TO ADD: Filtered to Matt (again) )


Sot this is the Safe Zone?

TYou fdon't think thart nmame is jyust askinfg fotr troyuble? Calling any place safe tesehese days?

I forgot how much I ghated New Yorjk in winter.

You were rihght, Lauren. I can kill zombies single-handedly, and I mean that literally, but try to type a messafge on a PDA and I look like san idiort,. You dobn't wabnt to know how many typods I've made. I keep mishjudging the distance between the ketys. And dion't ecvren menytion voice recognition software. I know you're thinking about it.

Filtered to Claire )

[OOC: Hi. I can spell. So can Noah. Unfortunately, his left arm no longer functions, so he is adjusting. And that means typos. He corrects them, but I like leaving the strikeouts there. Seriously, folks. Try typing using only your right hand. It's what I did here.]

Jan. 3rd, 2010


School starts again tomorrow. I can't believe it's been two whole weeks already. I don't want to go. I'm safe here but I might not be so safe there and

Filtered to Matt )

Dec. 29th, 2009


Filtered to Matt and Mohinder )

Dec. 10th, 2009


This place is so boring.

Filtered to Matt Parkman )

Filtered to Eliot Spencer )

Nov. 22nd, 2009


I cannot believe that I'm supposed to just go back to college like nothing ever happened. If that isn't a sign that the government is still as screwed up as ever in charge, I'm not sure what is.

Filtered to Peter )



I shouldn't be bothering you with this, but I really don't know who else to go to. And you're a detective, so you deal with stuff like this. I'm not making much sense, I know that. I'm just really overwhelmed right now. And not quite sober.

Nov. 20th, 2009


Well. They made me a cop! How am I supposed to be a I don't even like poli Are these people idiots or wh

I guess it's better than the zombies, at least.

Matt Parkman )

Nov. 18th, 2009


Filtered to Molly )


Filtered Message to Matt Parkman )