Jan. 16th, 2010


Can no one clear ice off the fucking roads? Seriously?

And it's cold. You know it's cold when I'm the one bitching.

Dec. 16th, 2009


I doubt I'll ever sleep again. The last time I passed out, a zombie apocalypse happened.


Fuck, I hate bleeding.

Goddamn papercut. Need a bandaid. And what's going on outside the Zone makes me start looking over my shoulder like the zombies are going to follow the scent of blood like motherfucking sharks.

Dec. 1st, 2009


I feel as if suddenly the world is so small. It's always felt small to me, but knowing that all those people are dead or just gone and we're all that's left shrinks it. And everything is rationed, so I can't get drunk.

I miss Janis Retro Girl.

Nov. 20th, 2009


Fuck this. Fuck the fucking zombie bullshit.



It's not home, but it's not bad. Just wondering how long we're going to keep the zombies out.