Mar. 31st, 2010


Well. This isn't quite what I was hoping for, but I suppose it's still better than the British Safe Zone alternative. I do feel a bit as though my head's twisted up courtesy of the rather... abrupt check-in process however. Only Americans are capable of taking such a complicated and difficult procedure such as that and somehow making it worse.

Feb. 5th, 2010


It's good to see this place still standing.

Filtered to Noah Bennet )

[ooc: posted shortly after this]

Jan. 24th, 2010


Filtered to Sylar )

Jan. 12th, 2010


Filtered to Nathan )

Jan. 11th, 2010


Sot this is the Safe Zone?

TYou fdon't think thart nmame is jyust askinfg fotr troyuble? Calling any place safe tesehese days?

I forgot how much I ghated New Yorjk in winter.

You were rihght, Lauren. I can kill zombies single-handedly, and I mean that literally, but try to type a messafge on a PDA and I look like san idiort,. You dobn't wabnt to know how many typods I've made. I keep mishjudging the distance between the ketys. And dion't ecvren menytion voice recognition software. I know you're thinking about it.

Filtered to Claire )

[OOC: Hi. I can spell. So can Noah. Unfortunately, his left arm no longer functions, so he is adjusting. And that means typos. He corrects them, but I like leaving the strikeouts there. Seriously, folks. Try typing using only your right hand. It's what I did here.]

Jan. 5th, 2010


Filtered to Doctor Mohinder Suresh )

Filtered to Nathan )

Dec. 23rd, 2009


Filtered to Doctor Saunders )

Filtered to Claire Bennet and Nathan Petrelli )

Dec. 21st, 2009


Filtered to Claire )


Uncle Peter!

Emma said this's gunna let me talk to you but for she could help much she got a call but I'm pitty sure this is what she said I was 'posed to do and can you bring home ice cream cause she gave me the last and I kinda want some for 'sert later.

[ooc: this is just to remind everyone that noah is using his pda via a voice recognition program. any and all mistakes are due to the programing not recognizing his speech patterns.]

Dec. 12th, 2009


Filtered to Doctor Saunders )

Filtered to Peter Petrelli )

Filtered to Nathan Petrelli )

Dec. 10th, 2009


Filtered to Nathan Petrelli )

[backdated to shortly after 6AM]

Dec. 7th, 2009


I think I need to get a part-time job or something. A person can only stare at the same four walls, following classes with equally boring four walls, for so long before they lose it entirely.

Filtered to Mohinder Suresh )

Filtered to Gretchen )

Filtered to Nathan )

Nov. 26th, 2009


Well, it's not the New York I remember, but it's better than the alternative I guess.

Nathan Petrelli )

Nov. 24th, 2009


So...I survive zombies for two and and a half months, so that I can go back to college and pretend nothing happened. Wow...the government really does take denial to a whole new level.


What the hell is this? And please, save all of your sarcastic remarks. If someone asks me 'where have you been?' one more time, I think I might crack.