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Jan. 12th, 2010


filtered to Bennet )

Jan. 11th, 2010


I don't understand why the school here wants me to learn another language. I already know two and most of the teachers only know one. And if I do have to learn a language, why can't I at least pick one that I want to learn?

Filtered to Mohinder )

Filtered to Matt )

EDIT TO ADD: Filtered to Matt (again) )


Miss me?


Sot this is the Safe Zone?

TYou fdon't think thart nmame is jyust askinfg fotr troyuble? Calling any place safe tesehese days?

I forgot how much I ghated New Yorjk in winter.

You were rihght, Lauren. I can kill zombies single-handedly, and I mean that literally, but try to type a messafge on a PDA and I look like san idiort,. You dobn't wabnt to know how many typods I've made. I keep mishjudging the distance between the ketys. And dion't ecvren menytion voice recognition software. I know you're thinking about it.

Filtered to Claire )

[OOC: Hi. I can spell. So can Noah. Unfortunately, his left arm no longer functions, so he is adjusting. And that means typos. He corrects them, but I like leaving the strikeouts there. Seriously, folks. Try typing using only your right hand. It's what I did here.]

Jan. 7th, 2010


It's nice to actually be here, though I daresay that it took longer than I'd expected.

Jan. 5th, 2010


Filtered to Doctor Mohinder Suresh )

Filtered to Nathan )


For anyone that's in Apartment Building C, I'm sorry if the music or yelling or floor shaking or wall rumbling or or anything else that's happened in the last hour or so has disturbed you. My sister is upset at the moment and I'm trying to calm her down, I am, but sometimes it isn't very easy.

So... I'm just really sorry.

Private to Castiel )

Jan. 3rd, 2010


School starts again tomorrow. I can't believe it's been two whole weeks already. I don't want to go. I'm safe here but I might not be so safe there and

Filtered to Matt )

Dec. 30th, 2009


Y'know, when the soldiers said that we were coming to New York, it would've been nice if they'd given us all coats before kicking us out here on our keisters. This place is freezing and, as a gal who spent a few years in Scotland winters, I know cold.

Don't get me wrong. The whole no zombie thing sorta makes up for the chattering teeth and potential hypothermia, I reckon, but it's still just bad hospitality that neither the military or the government folks who did the whole job assignment thing bothered to mention "Hey, might wanna grab a coat while you're giving us your blood type, life story, and promising us your firstborn too!" Or maybe that's just me, being a little bit cranky, on account of the long flight and the cold weather and why do they bus us all the way to the Welcome Center then expect us to find our way to our apartments anyway? This city is big and the map is little and... I'll stop now. Sorry.

I'm Willow, for anybody still reading. It's nice to be here despite all my statements to the contrary.

Dec. 29th, 2009



[ the video clicks on with dr. horrible settled in a much more together position this time, a consternated look on his face. ]

I had been hoping that I would get the opportunity to enact my plans without event, but it seems like a complication has been dropped into this city in the form of my old nemesis, Captain Hammer: Corporate Tool. I can only imagine the sort of obstacles that he intends to throw in my way this time, but Dr. Horrible isn't about to go down without a fight. Especially with someone who probably spent the last few months hiding behind someone else. Big cry baby.

Good luck, Captain. I'm sure you'll find quickly that your style isn't appreciated in this place as it might have been back home.

And be careful what you punch here, Captain. You might find yourself on the wrong end of the right set of teeth.

I hope.


Filtered to Matt and Mohinder )

Dec. 25th, 2009


Uhm wow, Christmas. That snuck up on me with all the zombie killing. Hope everyone has a good day.

Dec. 24th, 2009


This place is filled with fear.

But it's better in here than out there, right? Great to be around people again!

Just great.

Dec. 23rd, 2009


I need to go for a walk or I'm going to go completely insane.

Ned? Get out of the kitchen and come take a walk with me. It's winter. Coats and hats and scarves and gloves!


Well, isn't this a charming little place.


Filtered to Doctor Saunders )

Filtered to Claire Bennet and Nathan Petrelli )

Dec. 22nd, 2009


( Filtered to Claire Saunders )

There's something you need to know about Alpha.


Was there seriously just a supervillain vlog post? Really?


Filtered to Billy )

[ooc: immediately following this]



[ the camera is jostled several times as the figure in front of it mutters. ]

Goddammit. Is this thing even on? I hate not having my own equipment to.... Crap. Little red light.

[ the figure scrambles backwards to his seat, the backdrop behind him clearly some sort of lab. he reaches up and adjusts the googles resting on top of his head. ]

Technical glitches. Irony on my first day. Great.

Mwhahahahaha! Hello, residents of the Safe Zone! Do not adjust your...handheld device...things because doing so would be futile. Dr. Horrible, criminal mastermind, has usurped the airwaves to convey his presence and to warn all would-be heroes out there that your time is over with. It's time for villains to shine. This world will soon be ours, and we'll do the one thing that none of you ever managed to do properly.

Save it.

[ video ends abruptly. ]

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