December 29th, 2009

[info]shecanfindyou in [info]safezonenetwork

Filtered to Matt and Mohinder )

[info]evilinsideofme in [info]safezonenetwork


[ the video clicks on with dr. horrible settled in a much more together position this time, a consternated look on his face. ]

I had been hoping that I would get the opportunity to enact my plans without event, but it seems like a complication has been dropped into this city in the form of my old nemesis, Captain Hammer: Corporate Tool. I can only imagine the sort of obstacles that he intends to throw in my way this time, but Dr. Horrible isn't about to go down without a fight. Especially with someone who probably spent the last few months hiding behind someone else. Big cry baby.

Good luck, Captain. I'm sure you'll find quickly that your style isn't appreciated in this place as it might have been back home.

And be careful what you punch here, Captain. You might find yourself on the wrong end of the right set of teeth.

I hope.