December 17th, 2009

[info]shecanfindyou in [info]safezonenetwork

I think I forgot how confusing schools can be in America.

Today we were talking about Colombia, and our teacher said that we should go home and write down ten facts about the country. So I decided to start with how big Colombia is. I looked it up and it said "Colombia is slightly less than twice the size of Texas". Since I've never really studied Texas, I decided to look up how big twice the size of Texas was to get my answer about Colombia.

The answer it gave me for that? "Twice the size of Texas is nearly half the size of Colombia."

I finally gave up and just started listing facts about the weather.

[info]onlyhopeyouhave in [info]safezonenetwork

Maybe this is just a case of newcomer wariness, but I can't help but wonder how safe this place can really be. Those things move faster than most people can even follow. I don't care how much arsenal you have stockpiled, if you can't see your target it's nearly impossible to shoot it without some training. And this government mentality of sticking our heads in the sand and playing at normal until it all blows over is about the dumbest damn idea I've ever heard of.