November 28th, 2009

[info]deniedpeace in [info]safezonenetwork

I am uncertain how I feel about being alive here. But it's better than hell out there, I suppose.

I'm terrible at this. Cordelia? You're alive here as well? This says I'll be working with you on something called a Zombie Squad.

I'm not sure that I'd rather be here. I'd rather it all just be over.

[info]shecanfindyou in [info]safezonenetwork

I don't think I've ever been someplace where I both liked it, and didn't, at the same time. It doesn't help that my teacher is an idiot and I just want to I know I'm just a kid, so maybe that's the reason, but I don't get it.

How can someone make you find closure? I think that's the right word at least.