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Sep. 30th, 2009


WHO: Jack Donovan & Bravo
WHEN: The morning after the bomb squad gets TR'd
WHERE: A secluded little hallway
WHAT: Jack doesn't know that Mark's not Mark anymore. He soon finds out.

I don't understand. )


WHO: The Bomb Squad and the handlers/security staff
WHEN: Now!
WHERE: The elevator!

And don't stop moving! )

Sep. 29th, 2009


WHO: Jack and Bravo
WHEN: Sometime after Bravo talks to Quebec
WHERE: Jack's room
WHAT: Jack and Mark fight. And then they ... not fight. (Don't worry, kids, we don't go over PG-13. I know you were all hoping for porn.) Okay, I lied. We were going to finish it and keep the extra naughty bits to ourselves, but then it gets a touch creepy (with some dubious consent thrown in) and Mark does something at the end that could be really important for the other Actives. We like the way it turned out and didn't feel like referencing it without something we could point to as evidence. So here. NSFW, squishies. You can tell it's edited because I changed the icon.

Right and wrong meant nothing here. )


WHO: Bravo & Quebec
WHEN: Late evening, Monday
WHERE: The space with all those treadmills for the Actives
WHAT: Misha brings Mark strawberries, like she promised.

Are you Bravo? )
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Sep. 28th, 2009


WHO: Mark and Ava
WHEN: Sometime after Mark eats shellfish and gets sick. he's better now. apparently they exist in a timewarp and/or dinner is relatively early because Jack isn't around and stuff. Just roll.
WHERE: Jack's room
WHAT: Hot sex Stuff? IDK.

This isn't what it looks like! )

Sep. 27th, 2009


WHO: Jack and Bravo
WHEN: Today? Sometime after dinner.
WHERE: Jack's room
WHAT: Turns out Bravo is allergic to shellfish and had some of the clam chowder or something. Oops.

I think I lost a kidney on that last one. )

Sep. 25th, 2009


WHO: Jack Donovan & Mark Sheffield
WHEN: Night, last night, probably last night
WHERE: Jack's room, since he lives there and all
WHAT: Mark decides that he really doesn't want to sleep in the scary pods. Posted in the wrong comm before because Kait is retarded.

You're my Handler? That sounds kinda dirty. )

Sep. 24th, 2009


WHO: Bravo and Jack Donovan
WHAT: Bravo's sniffing around and getting into things he shouldn't. Jack has to go make him not do it.
WHEN: After Jack takes Ava to Claire.
WHERE: The clothing warehouse

Cigarette ashes. The smell of books. The History Channel, someone warm and heavy on the other side of the couch, men's shirts that went to Bravo's knees. )

Sep. 23rd, 2009


WHO: Bravo and open!
WHAT: Bravo's sniffing around upstairs to see what's going on and hoping the other Actives don't keel over and die. Since Kerry's lame and lives in England so Echo is apparently still asleep or something and someone else has to be an idiot.
WHEN: During the "OMGWTFBBQ" clusterfuck.
WHERE: Upstairs places

For now he was a small person wielding a large lamp. In his pajamas. )
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