October 7th, 2009

[info]lostinlima in [info]safeasthreads

WHO: Ozymandias Vick & Lima
WHAT: Lima's handler has been killed and Lima can't handle it, thanks to the bond that Topher has programmed in. Ozzy offers some comfort.

everything's going to be all right )

[info]ex_bravada859 in [info]safeasthreads

WHO: Bravo and Jack
I RENDER THESE QUESTIONS OBSOLETE. act like you have brains and just shove it all in the "what". because I'm fucking lazy and I say so, SO THERE.
WHAT: Bravo confronts Jack about some ... uncomfortable feelings. It Does Not Go Well.

Fine. Get the hell out. )

[info]ex_bravada859 in [info]safeasthreads


Fuck this shit, man. Fuck. This. Shit.
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[info]issoylentgreen in [info]safeasthreads

WHO: Pasha Vitton and Madison Honey (brought to you by Alpha and Whiskey)
WHAT: They both have a moment to break away from the other personalities and can't quite handle the reality of it.

He was one of the good personalities, gentle and safe and disturbed. )

[info]issoylentgreen in [info]safeasthreads

WHO: Pasha and Topher
WHAT: Flashback. This is just after the system update team finds out what they are and half of the group bolts. Pasha calls Topher to tell him the news---and to beg for time.

Us? You and who else? )

[info]yankeedoodle in [info]safeasthreads

WHO: Yankee and Foxtrot.
WHAT: Fighting. Then...not fighting.
WHEN: During the West Side Story debacle.
WHERE: Some hallway.

So he did the classy thing and backhanded her. )

[info]tooinvolved in [info]safeasthreads

WHO: Jack Donovan & Bravo
WHAT: After the West Side Story debacle, Mark goes to apologize to Jack for sleeping with Romeo. Jack ain't in a great mood.

You're it. )

[info]yankeedoodle in [info]safeasthreads

WHO: Yankee and Lima (Or Sam and Chioma).
WHAT: Lima's handler is dead. Yankee wants to help.
WHEN: After this.
WHERE: The pool.

It's going to be all right. Everything will be all right. )
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