
Welcome to RPG-Connect! This community was designed as the middle ground for rpg advertising communities on insanejournal. When I was browsing IJ, I came across two types of ad communities: the over-restricted and the under-restricted. To me, most of the communities had lost it's personal touch with the roleplaying world. Here at RPG-Connect, our goal is to help quality players and games find one another. Are you looking for a home to place your character or find a person to fill your roleplaying needs? Do you want your game ad to reach the right kind of people? Look no further because you'll find that here.


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June 2024


Posts Tagged: 'genre:+fantasy'

Aug. 1st, 2016



St. Margaret's Academy — a supernatural high school rpg

St. Margaret's Academy
not your average boarding school
Rule #1 - Keep your fangs and claws to yourself: no snacking on any of the student body.
Rule #2 - No magic in the hallways.
Rule #3 - A full moon is no excuse for not having made your homework.

After bidding farewell to the departing graduates, St. Margaret's and its remaining students and staff enjoy a well-deserved break. Some vacation to far off places, and others stay to participate in the school's summer courses. New students are already arriving, and in a little over a month, the '16 - '17 school year will commence. What will this year hold for St. Margaret's?
Open since 2013, St. Margaret's Academy is a supernatural game taking place at a high school in Maine. We are seeking original and creative characters, especially weres, vampires, humans, and witches. Enrol your progeny today!

Jul. 25th, 2016



St. Margaret's Academy — a supernatural high school rpg

St. Margaret's Academy
not your average boarding school
Rule #1 - Keep your fangs and claws to yourself: no snacking on any of the student body.
Rule #2 - No magic in the hallways.
Rule #3 - A full moon is no excuse for not having made your homework.

After bidding farewell to the departing graduates, St. Margaret's and its remaining students and staff enjoy a well-deserved break. Some vacation to far off places, and others stay to participate in the school's summer courses. New students are already arriving, and in a little over a month, the '16 - '17 school year will commence. What will this year hold for St. Margaret's?
Open since 2013, St. Margaret's Academy is a supernatural game taking place at a high school in Maine. We are seeking original and creative characters, especially weres, vampires, humans, and witches. Enrol your progeny today!

Jul. 16th, 2016



The Underground » au urban fantasy rp @ dreamwidth


The Underground

There's the London we all know.

And then there's the Underground. The real Underground, a secret world of supernatural forces and strange creatures that walk the city streets hidden in plain sight. Witches, vampires, werewolves. Shapeshifters and humans with extraordinary powers. Ghosts. And the Other Realm, where the fae dwell, and where magic leaks out into every corner of the city.

While the parties of Westminster fight their political battles, there is another much more dangerous power struggle going on. It's a battle for territory, and it is fought by the various supernatural factions that claim dominion over the city.

Will peace prevail? Or is conflict inevitable? Let the story begin...

About the Game
The Underground is an alternate universe (AU) game set in a supernatural version of modern-day London. The game is a mix of urban fantasy and supernatural drama, with slice-of-life elements and political intrigue.

Player characters will join various supernatural factions vying for territory within the city. Choose your allies, build up your empires and make your move. The actions of player characters will determine who comes out on top in the fight for power.

Main CommunityOOC CommunityMeme Community

Reserves and applications are open! Try out our latest Test Drive Meme.

Jul. 9th, 2016



St. Margaret's Academy — supernatural high school

St. Margaret's Academy
not your average boarding school
Rule #1 - Keep your fangs and claws to yourself: no snacking on any of the student body.
Rule #2 - No magic in the hallways.
Rule #3 - A full moon is no excuse for not having made your homework.

After bidding farewell to the departing graduates, St. Margaret's and its remaining students and staff enjoy a well-deserved break. Some vacation to far off places, and others stay to participate in the school's summer courses. New students are already arriving, and in a little over a month, the '16 - '17 school year will commence. What will this year hold for St. Margaret's?
Open since 2013, St. Margaret's Academy is a supernatural game taking place at a high school in Maine. We are seeking original and creative characters, especially weres, vampires, humans, and witches. Enrol your progeny today!

Jun. 24th, 2016



[No Subject]


::: [ Kiseki - A CLAMP-based RPG ] :::

Kiseki is panfandom slice-of-life jamjar game set in the separate world of Miracle Country, a series of islands with all kinds of magical mishaps and circumstances. It seems a pleasant enough place, aside from some underlying creepiness (think Outo Country in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle or cursed Storybrooke in Once Upon a Time).

Kiseki is a CLAMP inspired (meaning series such as Card Captor Sakura, X/1999, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, and Magic Knight Rayearth – just to name a few), but no prior knowledge of the manga-ka is necessary to join – it’s great for both CLAMP enthusiasts and canon-blind appers.

Kiseki has both game-wide events and player-run plots, with events tending to run on at least a monthly basis, ranging in themes from fluffy/shippy to more action/plot-heavy events. There's events centered around CR building and CD, while others focus on action, there're even several themed game-wide AUs now and then. Events are also replayable, within reason, inviting more character-driven plotting. There’s a huge emphasis on building CR and interpersonal relationships between characters. (Check out here and here for examples of our events, both fluffier and more action-packed!)

Current casts include BBC'S Musketeers, BBC's Merlin, Once Upon A Time, MCU, Teen Wolf, Humans, Game of Thrones, Dragon Age, Kingdom Hearts, Tales of Zestiria, Legend of Korra, Steven Universe, Akatsuki no Yona, Card Captor Sakura, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Kuroshitsuji, Hamatora, Dragon Ball, & Noragami!!

We have an on-going test drive meme! Come and try out the game!

Reserves are always open and last for one week, and the application itself is simple: no third person required!

Welcoming characters of all mediums!

Main community | OOC | Logs
The Rules | FAQ | Full navigation | Taken Characters | Applications

Jun. 11th, 2016



Lost Codices: An OC Dragon Age RP


lost codices
an auish dragon age rp

A blight upon the land. Darkspawn have risen and the archdemon brings plague and death wherever he lands.

The year is 3:24 Towers. For fourteen years, the third Blight has ravaged Thedas while Tevinter and Orlais war with each other. They have provided aid to Nevarra, a country desperately fighting to keep the Blight from consuming them. But their help comes with a price, and it seems as though Nevarra is doomed to fall, either to the Blight or to the ambitions of their more powerful neighbors.
LOST CODICES is an original character roleplaying game set in the Dragon Age universe during the third Blight in the port city of Cumberland. No knowledge of the Dragon Age universe is needed. We offer your typical slice of life and an over-arching plot, complete with a healthy dose of politics and saving the world from the archdemon Toth. Come and shape the future of Nevarra or become the hero that stops the Blight.


Jun. 2nd, 2016



star wars panfandom rpg

a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Thirty years ago, the Empire crumbled. The Rebel Alliance defeated the Emperor and, as a result, control of the galaxy was fractured. The power vacuum left remnants of the Empire's government scrambling for control and the First Order has risen to power. The Resistance fights to once again, deliver the galaxy from the clutches of the Dark Side. In the aftermath, no one noticed that something strange was happening on Naboo.

But now that's beginning to change...


The Galaxy is a pan-fandom RPG based in the Star Wars universe. The game began in December 2015 and is set in the aftermath of "Episode VII: The Force Awakens".

Knowledge of Star Wars isn't required. Original characters will be accepted from the Star Wars universe.

WANTED: POE DAMERON! Canon Star Wars characters! MOAR Superheroes! More characters to side with the Bad Guys™!


May. 4th, 2016



[No Subject]


Would you believe that all the gods that people have ever imagined are still with us today?

Across America, just beneath the world we see, exists another world. One full of gods and monsters, of immortals and saints and demons. They walk among us every day and although we don't know it, our every thought fuels their lives.

Nevermore is a well-established, long-running game set in the world of American Gods. This particular game has been kicking around IJ in one form or another for years - at the moment our player base is quite small and so we're looking for fresh blood to come join us.

before you join
character directory
faq and rules
taken pbs
wanted characters
drop box
out of character
application page
player contact
friend all
the asylums
ooc community

main community
past community
au community

May. 2nd, 2016



[No Subject]


In 1981 Peter Pettigrew kidnapped Harry Potter and brought him to Lord Voldemort. The resulting battle ended the Wizarding war. Harry Potter survived, as did his parents, but Voldemort was dead, Dumbledore was missing and presumed dead, and many Death Eaters and Order Members alike were in Azkaban.

Now, in 1999, the political tide has changed. Faced with the reality that exposure to Dementors is inhumane, the Ministry is closing Azkaban and granting all the prisoners a full pardon.

As the Wizarding world struggles to adjust, a new threat looms. People are being attacked by an unknown foe. Only this time, it isn't Muggleborns and their sympathizers who are in danger. It's purists.

Verso is a Harry Potter AU game that explores what happens when the tables are turned. Will the Order reform and defend known and suspected purists? Will the DMLE take the threat seriously? Will the former Death Eaters brush up on rusty skills to exact revenge? Will the threat be enough to bring Dumbledore out of hiding or is he really dead like the rumors claim?


Verso is just starting out, with full game plot to begin on May 8. Most characters are still available, including OCs with canon last names. In particular, we are looking for the formerly incarcerated, DMLE members, and purists. Extra plot is available for the formerly incarcerated if desired. Full lists of wanted characters as well as the current cast and holds can be found below.

There will be some driving plot, but the game will also be heavily character driven.

Premise | Rules | Cast | Holds | Wanted | Join

Apr. 27th, 2016



[No Subject]



The United States government has requisitioned a team of top scientists from across the country to work in secret on a classified experiment now known as Project X34. The goal of the experiment is to figure out how to genetically modify humans in a permanent fashion, keep the subjects from perishing due to modification complications, and to fully test the functionality of each modification using different scenarios in hopes that they will be able to implement the procedures into specifically chosen, small, squadrons in each branch of the military. The general public has no knowledge of this experiment nor will they in the future. Subjects are chosen at random and just seem to disappear off the face of the Earth, never knowing exactly why they have been chosen for such a project. To prevent subjects from going rogue, and to keep an eye on the status of each subject through each scenario, each group is placed into a large-scale dome-shaped area that is inescapable complete with twenty-four hour continuous surveillance by cameras that are unable to be discovered.

The first six experiments of this nature have failed; seventy percent of test subjects in each dome expired due to effects of their mutation, twenty percent due to scenario testing, and the other ten percent were properly disposed of by those running the project. This is their seventh and final try before the project is restaffed and the scientists themselves are disposed of to prevent information leaks. They have tweaked their formulas and testing procedures and have decided that by focusing on smaller numbers there was a chance of a much higher survival rate, though they do not expect all subjects to last for the duration. Sixteen people have been selected from various locations though it is unclear to participants if there is a link they all share or if they were chosen by sheer chance and misfortune. Some were kidnapped off the street; some came from places where they were being held against their will.

In a place where survival is key, do you have what it takes to last through Project X34 or will you be among those considered failed experiments?
// Cast // Rules/FAQ
Mod Journal // IC Journal //

Apr. 17th, 2016



[No Subject]

I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.


Welcome to Boudon Estate, owned by the vampire Mathis Boudon, head of the Roanoke Division. Located in Virgina, The Boudon Estate is residence to a slew of supernatural investigators and trainees, who work for the Roanoke Division to investigate supernatural crimes and stop those that are behind them. With the secret world of supernaturals becoming less and less secret, all supernaturals must work together to keep order, lest they reveal themselves to the human world.


[info]thedivisionrpg via [info]thedivisionmod




[No Subject]


Would you believe that all the gods that people have ever imagined are still with us today?

Across America, just beneath the world we see, exists another world. One full of gods and monsters, of immortals and saints and demons. They walk among us every day and although we don't know it, our every thought fuels their lives.

Nevermore is a well-established, long-running game set in the world of American Gods. This particular game has been kicking around IJ in one form or another for years - at the moment our player base is quite small and so we're looking for fresh blood to come join us.

before you join
character directory
faq and rules
taken pbs
wanted characters
drop box
out of character
application page
player contact
friend all
the asylums
ooc community

main community
past community
au community

Apr. 5th, 2016



[No Subject]


Would you believe that all the gods that people have ever imagined are still with us today?

Across America, just beneath the world we see, exists another world. One full of gods and monsters, of immortals and saints and demons. They walk among us every day and although we don't know it, our every thought fuels their lives.

Nevermore is a well-established, long-running game set in the world of American Gods. This particular game has been kicking around IJ in one form or another for years - at the moment our player base is quite small and so we're looking for fresh blood to come join us.

before you join
character directory
faq and rules
taken pbs
wanted characters
drop box
out of character
application page
player contact
friend all
the asylums
ooc community

main community
past community
au community

Mar. 29th, 2016



Cedar Ridge: A Supernatural BDSM Game


Times are changing.

Before time was even recorded there were humans and monsters. They lived side by side without the humans even knowing. Human only knew that the darkness hid the evil but they didn't know what evil there was. Thousands of years later monsters, or Supernatural as they would like be called now, rule the earth. Humans are slaves and given no free will of their own. There are little pockets of resistances but they are slowly dying out.

Tucked away in the quiet Rocky Mountains is Cedar Ridge. It is a medium sized town with shops and restaurants. Like all towns in the United States slavery is legal there, but city ordinances are lax. Humans have more rights here, depending on their master's whim. Some have even taken up jobs in local shops, restaurants, and even police stations. But the death of the Council Head is about to change all that. A new Council Head has been elected and he promises to turn back the clock on human rights. Will she be able to? Or will the people of Cedar Ridge fight back?

Will you be a part?

Premise // Holds // Character List // Application // Rules & F.A.Q
Wanted Characters // Mod Journal // OOC Journal // Net Journal // IC Journal

Mar. 14th, 2016



Cedar Ridge: A Supernatural BDSM Game


Times are changing.

Before time was even recorded there were humans and monsters. They lived side by side without the humans even knowing. Human only knew that the darkness hid the evil but they didn't know what evil there was. Thousands of years later monsters, or Supernatural as they would like be called now, rule the earth. Humans are slaves and given no free will of their own. There are little pockets of resistances but they are slowly dying out.

Tucked away in the quiet Rocky Mountains is Cedar Ridge. It is a medium sized town with shops and restaurants. Like all towns in the United States slavery is legal there, but city ordinances are lax. Humans have more rights here, depending on their master's whim. Some have even taken up jobs in local shops, restaurants, and even police stations. But the death of the Council Head is about to change all that. A new Council Head has been elected and he promises to turn back the clock on human rights. Will she be able to? Or will the people of Cedar Ridge fight back?

Will you be a part?

Premise // Holds // Character List // Application // Rules & F.A.Q
Wanted Characters // Mod Journal // OOC Journal // Net Journal // IC Journal

Feb. 21st, 2016



Old City Academy - a panfandom non-jamjar RPG

For more than a century, Old City Academy has been shaping young minds in the Philadelphia area. On the surface, it's an ordinary boarding school with renowned academics, excellent athletics, and other extracurricular activities that will prepare students for admission to any college in the world and provide a rich, well balanced education. Students come from all over to take advantage of the state-of-the-art resources that aren't available at other boarding schools.

There is, of course, far more than meets the eye happening at Old City Academy. The school campus is located on a piece of land that sits on top of a multidimensional nexus. It's a well guarded secret, but students, faculty, and staff come from all manner of unusual places and times, some previously thought to exist only in fiction. As a result, the curriculum is a bit more esoteric than your typical boarding school and students have the opportunity to travel to a nearly limitless number of worlds with their schoolmates and instructors.

State of the art security, coupled with the multidimensional nature of the school, make it a popular choice for students who have unique educational needs.


[info]oldcityacademy | [info]oldcityooc | [info]outsideoldcity | [info]oldcitymods



Veiled World - Open now


Veiled World

The supernatural is all around us, vampires and werewolves live next door to you and to be honest, your senator's likely a vampire, incubi and merfolk serve you coffee in your favourite coffee shop . That alternative looking woman that runs the herbal shop down the road? She's a sixth generation witch. The bank manager that sort of weirded you out but looked excited when you handed over your family jewels to put in a safety deposit box? Yeah... good luck getting that back: you just handed grandma's gold to a dragon.

The Supernatural Government kept peace for years, brokering a tentative peace between all of the supernatural races and making sure that they stayed out of the light, as it were, out of sight. Ten years ago, a number of the elected officials were executed, assassinated by an unknown party. The peace that had been on a knife's edge was shattered and now the supernatural world is at war within itself. It's an underground war, but a war all the same.

Welcome to the war.
Can you survive?

Whose side are you on?
Game Premise // Current Cast
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

Feb. 14th, 2016



[No Subject]

I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.


Welcome to Boudon Estate, owned by the vampire Mathis Boudon, head of the Roanoke Division. Located in Virgina, The Boudon Estate is residence to a slew of supernatural investigators and trainees, who work for the Roanoke Division to investigate supernatural crimes and stop those that are behind them. With the secret world of supernaturals becoming less and less secret, all supernaturals must work together to keep order, lest they reveal themselves to the human world.


[info]thedivisionrpg via [info]thedivisionmod


Feb. 6th, 2016



[No Subject]

I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.


Welcome to Boudon Estate, owned by the vampire Mathis Boudon, head of the Roanoke Division. Located in Virgina, The Boudon Estate is residence to a slew of supernatural investigators and trainees, who work for the Roanoke Division to investigate supernatural crimes and stop those that are behind them. With the secret world of supernaturals becoming less and less secret, all supernaturals must work together to keep order, lest they reveal themselves to the human world.


[info]thedivisionrpg via [info]thedivisionmod


Jan. 31st, 2016



[No Subject]

I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.


Welcome to Boudon Estate, owned by the vampire Mathis Boudon, head of the Roanoke Division. Located in Virgina, The Boudon Estate is residence to a slew of supernatural investigators and trainees, who work for the Roanoke Division to investigate supernatural crimes and stop those that are behind them. With the secret world of supernaturals becoming less and less secret, all supernaturals must work together to keep order, lest they reveal themselves to the human world.


[info]thedivisionrpg via [info]thedivisionmod