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Mar. 30th, 2008


Final section of Compendium's Axl profile


Axl’s mobility is comparable to X and Zero, fit for a Special A. His overall ability at the dash, jump, and such is probably the same as theirs. Worth noting are his hovering and rolling skills. He has greater skill at hovering than X, and is able to fire weapons in midair while maintaining a stable position. You could say it’s an extremely effective ability for a Repliroid who relies mainly on shooting.
Read more )


[news, R20] As expected, the pages are coming up online...

RPM has it:

http://blogs.vandal.net/769/ has many pages up as well- Check out the early form of Zero! AHAHAHAHA...

Zero under construction

MMN has a thread as well: http://blue-bomber.jvmwriter.org/community/index.php?showtopic=1264

Neat: Duo and the Evil Energy Robot's original forms

Mar. 28th, 2008


Fan art.

Two posts in a row - miracles happen ! XD

Read more... )
I expect to be maimed/shot/banned for this XD

Anywho... crit is welcome : )



Hey everyone,

Seems I wasted my time scanning my own copy of the Rockman Zero Complete Works book, as I found a link to every. Single. Page. In the book right here - >


Originally I was going to throw everything into a zip file, but Omega, my Windooze 2000 PC's monitor decided to go kamikaze on me >>;

Anywho, enjoy :3

Mar. 27th, 2008


Interesting: How Capcom predicts sales figures and plans for new releases

On the heels of R20, I just found this interesting link to how Capcom predicts their sales figures together and plans for new items:

So THAT'S how Capcom works their numbers!

Protodude's Rockman Corner says that Rockman Rockman is surprisingly coming up out of nowhere to outsell Devil May Cry 4 in Japan; I'd say this article both illustrates and illuminates how that situation could come about. Retail simply doesn't give a title enough time to catch an initial hold any more. There's too much material in the market, and too little space on most retailer's shelves...


[fanfic] Under Cover of Light

Title: Under Cover of Light
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Blues, Forte
Pairing: Forte/Blues
Timeline: Between MM7 and MM8
Warnings: Twists on everyone's standard perceptions, language, Forte being a tease, ORGASM-CAUSING WHISTLE

I'm making Forte/Blues work, people! ZOMG! Critiquing welcome!

( Whistle of Orgasm hidden behind this fake-cut! )

Mar. 26th, 2008


[news] Speaking of R20...

Have you guys noticed this link yet?


I went fishing around Capcom's Japanese site and found it. It looks to be... an official blog about the making of the book? *puzzle* I can't babelfish it for some stupid reason... and google's translation makes no sense whatsoever. (I usually rely on babelfish as being SLIGHTLY more lucid, though both are awful ;p)

Tucked in there is this adorable piece of art:

I've seen sample pages from the book floating around, but so far, it's nothing we haven't already seen online, or too small/obscured to be of any use. *sadface*

ETA: BTW, here is Capcom's official page on the topic:


I'f I'm understanding this correctly, the book is largely and primary an art collection- every scrap of art for every game they could find, more or less. (They do say. "イラスト収録点数は3000点を超え、さらに当時の開発者が語る“ここでしか読めない裏話”も収録しております。" but that could be like, y'know, a PAGE or two.)

I don't anticipate there being a great deal of illuminating text... however, it's too early to say. No text=no more goddamn retcons, but also no answers...

And here's the list of contents... it's the last three items that are piquing my interest.

Mar. 24th, 2008


[fanfic] Adaptation

A tiny character drabble inspired by playing Iris in the RP!

Title: Adaptation
Characters: Iris, Zero
Timeline: Pre-X4
Rating: PG
Warnings: None

( Click me, I'm fake! )
Tags: , ,

Mar. 22nd, 2008


[fanfic] Dearth of Memories

Title: Dearth of Memories
Characters: Axl, Red, some use of OCs, and bonus points if you can guess the transformation!
Rating: PG, hinting at violence
Pairing: None
Time: Pre-X7; flashback pre-Red Alert
Warnings: Heavy speculation and attempt at backstory, use of OCs necessary.

( Follow the fake cut! )

Just so you know, the title DOES have a link with the fic, although it's not blatant. XD Axl hungers to know his past, see, see?
Thoughts on this, anyone?

...and no, this isn't the challenge!fic. That one's coming next if my brain complies. XD
Tags: , ,

Mar. 20th, 2008


Second page of Compendium's Axl profile, part one


The Axl Bullets are Axl’s basic weapon, and his other equipment also has mostly projectiles. Generally, their impact is weak, but they can repeat rapidly. Also, his targeting is accurate, and he can quickly deal with enemies appearing from any direction. You could say he is a Repliroid who relies mainly on shooting, even more so than X. Moreover, he has the “Copy” ability, which is like a further upgrade of Zero’s Learning, and he can transform into or summon an enemy.
Read more )

Mar. 19th, 2008


[admin] The Tag Thing

Hay guys, I set the comm so that members can add or subtract tags from post. USE THIS POWER WISELY. (and let me know if it dun work right.)

No snarky tags or long phrases, please- keep it to simple one or two-word tags that are relevant to your content. We have quite a few tags already, so check the sidebar first!

I'll still be trying to keep tags relevant; as discussions move around and draw in more elements, I'll add more tags to an entry if they haven't already been added.

Mar. 18th, 2008


[fanfic] ma vie en bleu (Signas/X sortof, PG-13)

HI GUYS. UM. I'm reposting a fanfic I wrote a long time ago, so sorry if anyone's already seen it. In fact, I can't even remember if I reposted it already on the old server for Elysium. (SORRY.) I just wanted to add an offering to the shrine of Signas. (Signas is hot you must write/draw him okay.)

TIMELINE: After the events of X5, the "good" ending in which X remembers Zero.
PAIRING: Signas/X exceptnotreally.

TITLE: ma vie en bleu
SUMMARY: After the Eurasia incident, the Hunters are left to piece together what's left of Earth. Signas is left to piece together what's left of X.

click to read )



Y'know it's funny how I always issue a challenge when I get pissed.


Write a fic with humans in it.


Okay, write a fic with humans in it doing more than just getting killed.


Okay, okay. See, the thing that I absolutely can't stand about MMX is how there are practically no humans in it. All of the Maverick wars are being fought over them, but you don't hear a damn thing about them except for how they do things like try to run like hell for the moon. Knowing my species as I do, this absolutely boggles me. How the hell can a mass genocidal war be waged against us and there's not one peep out of us?

Red Draco pretty much nails it here, in that for the entire MMX/MMZ series, it's only until the last Zero game that we get a human actually state what fanon always had to ASSUME.

Well, like her, I say NUTS to that. Ergo, the challenge of this post is ...


Shut up. Anyway, the challenge is, write a fanfic in any of the Megaman universes that involves humans somehow. Maybe it's robot/reploid and human relations, or what humans are like in those eras, or how humans cope with the constant assaults on them, why humans act the way they do (like assholes), whatever. They don't need to be NICE, or like robots/reploids, or even be a main part of the story. They just need to BE there somehow.

And although this mostly talks about the MM/MMX/MMZ eras, I'll be unfacist and allow it for all series and eras. But they still need humans in them (or carbons, or what the hell ever they are in MML and MMZX).


[shameless copypaste]Like last time, post it here in the community under a friends-lock so we can all have a look! You can restrict it however you want on your own journal, though.[/shameless copypaste]


My eternal love?

.... Okay fine, you get a, uh, baby giraffe. No rly!


I say about one month from now, the 18th of April. That should be long enough for my damn wrist to get better and type out some fic. *glares at it*


Well, duh.

Mar. 15th, 2008


First page of Compendium's Axl profile

AXL, the new-gen New Hero who’s lost his memory

A new-generation Repliroid who became a Hunter in admiration of X and Zero. He has the rare ability to copy the appearance and powers of others. He has no memory or record of before he was picked up by Red, the head of the vigilante group Red Alert. His personality and behavior patterns are somewhat immature, and at times he acts just as he pleases without thinking of others, but he has great powers.

[Picture, Axl speaking to Zero] “Me, I don’t remember what happened in the past. Red picked me up… and thanks to this power we beat some tough opponents.” [Caption] Axl has no memories before Red Alert. He seems to want to investigate the mystery of his origin.

Basic Data
Equipment: Axl Bullets
Special Weapons: Double Bullets, G Launcher, Raygun, Copy Shot
Post: Irregular Hunters
Remarks: No record prior to Red Alert period

[Translator’s Exasperated Note: This is getting ridiculous! There’s not much text on this page to begin with, they didn’t need to use it to tell us FIVE TIMES that Axl has no past! It looks like the work of a schoolkid trying to pad out a book report.]

ETA we have no "axl" tag!


[fan videos] Updated version of "想い出は億千万"


http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2633783(all RM's, some funny moments)
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm761573 (emphasis on Airman; older video)

Fan rendition (second version!) of a fictional 3D version of Rockman 2 that is full of intense awesome from start to finish. Capcom, look at this video and make it happen for real! Of course, looking at this makes you realize how much more of a bitch some of those levels (HI THAR QUICKMAN) would be in 3D!

As you can no doubt tell, I recently got myself a niconico account. XD I had to see the caramelldansen! So, favorite Niconico videos and links thread IS GO. :D

Mar. 11th, 2008


R20 will be available to the comm- eventually.

OKAY. I have just filed a pre-order with PlayAsia for the R20 sourcebook. I WILL BE PURCHASING THIS. R_E WILL HAVE ACCESS TO A COPY. (The cost is $50 US, inc. shipping, FYI.)

I'll let you know as soon as I get information about when I can receive it. I am willing to scan as much as necessary, though I'm not sure I'll have time to scan the entire book. Anything that's clearly hot and relevant will go up as first priority.

What I want to know: What image sizes are preferred for scans? Do the images need to be as large as possible, or is it better to scan just sections under question at high resolution, and smaller images for overall page views?

P.S. Did you know R_E is on the first page of Google search results for 'rockman 20 sourcebook'? XD Result number 9!

Mar. 10th, 2008


Final section of Compendium's X profile


X’s relations with the people around him are profound. His creator, Dr. Light. His best friend, Zero. His new subordinate, Axl. Above all, his fated archenemy, Sigma. Even among these, Dr. Light’s influence looms large; X’s pacifism seems to be influenced by Dr. Light’s thinking.

Read more )

Mar. 6th, 2008


Reploid Watch: REEM-B


We're getting there, quietly and surely...! This one's from the UAE. (hmm, makes me think about an article I saw the other day about concerns that terrorists would capture and reverse engineer such robots... what a world that would be!)

REEM-B is the evolution of the first humanoid created by Pal Technology Robotics, the REEM-A. The first prototype was designed to play chess with the Hydra chess engine and to be used as development platform. With REEM-B, Pal Technology comes astonishingly close to its final goal; to create a humanoid service robot that will be able to help humans in the future with sophisticated tasks. Our robot can walk dynamically, recognize and grasp objects, lift heavy weights and go around by itself inside any building complex, avoiding obstacles.

Further specs )

Mar. 5th, 2008


Well, here's my version of X's hair, and unfortunately I have him terribly boring ^^;
I would've had this up so much sooner as well... But, rejoice, as I have more scans of the Rockman Complete Works done too :3
Its just taking its time loading on Imageshack > <

Anywho... cut for longish post.

I have X leaning more towards looking Japanese, as, for arguments' sake, Dr. Light could've built both Rock AND X in Japan, and simply made them appear as such. I prefer following the Megamix manga where Light lives in Japan as the head of Robotics.
As for the style, you gotta take the helmet into account. He never takes it off. Fangirls however, will claw me to death upon preferring if the helmet was actually part of his head - having no hair at all (think Robocop).

X would have flat, helmet hair. Being geeky here also, however - it wouldn't be real hair either, so no big on it getting greasy or whatever. I feel I made the fringe too long, but function wise its a basic hairstyle that's practical and human-friendly, but I doubt X would really bother with it in either case...

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
By daenis at 2008-03-05

Ideas/suggestions welcome : )


The Maverick Hunters

Okay. Everyone's asked this question and tried to make sense of it: what, exactly, are the Maverick Hunters?

They're a organised military group, that much is obvious, but what kind of group they are and what responsibilities they have vary widely in the canon. Like mentioned in the below translation, the Hunters have appeared as a private security firm, but they've also appeared as a police force (MHX) or an actual part of the Federation government (MMX:CM). While you can argue that their role has grown over time, I think it'd be neat to discuss what exactly the Hunters are (obviously, fanon ideas are extremely encouraged).

Shameless use of wiki links within! )

Does anyone have any further suggestions?

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